DOI :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.094   IUP :10.26650/PB/PS12.2019.002.094    Full Text (PDF)

From international sudents to permanent migration: A case study of COMU

Selver Özözen KahramanBerrin GültayVedat Çalışkan

International students (IS) constitute an important part of contemporary individual and voluntary migrants. The circulation of IS has seen a continuous increase, as globalization and technological communication networks, bilateral agreements, and international supports increase in their reach. Currently, developing countries are receiving positive benefits from this activity. In this study, reasons related to general preference, nationality, post-educational goals, and the permanence and internal–external migration potential of IS were examined in relation to the preference for ÇOMU. Two types of data were used: (i) official records and statistics and (ii) a survey of IS in ÇOMU. A stratified sampling method was chosen because the countries from where the students came were the most important parameters of the study. Using this method, 64 origin countries were stratified into six groups (Middle East, Asia, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Balkans, Africa, and Other). The data obtained from the 45-question survey administered to 30% of the population at a sensitivity level of 0.10 were evaluated using chi-square and variance analysis. Further, multidimensional scaling was performed to form classifications according to country strata with the selected variables. Thus, the attendance of postgraduate education, the countries among which graduates expect to be distributed, and their persistence and migration potential were found. A significant number of students in ÇOMU have plans to move to a different country for their MA or PhD. The contribution of these students to our country and to the world as potential qualified migrations will continue. Approximately half of the surveyed students are considering pursuing further education (particularly, MS or PhD) and evaluating the employment opportunities in Turkey. Their employment opportunities and cultural adaptation are important factors affecting their decision to stay.


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