Research Article

DOI :10.26650/anar.2024.30.1407798   IUP :10.26650/anar.2024.30.1407798    Full Text (PDF)

A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress

Harun Danışmaz

Palu Kalesi is a fortress site situated in modern Elazığ province. In the Middle Iron Age, this region was the western borderland of the Urartian Kingdom and the primary contact zone where political and cultural relations transpired between the Urartu and the neighbouring Neo-Hittite kingdoms. The site was also a strategically crucial military post that provided logistic support for the Urartian armies during their western expeditions. The fortress was built as a provincial centre shortly after the foundation of the Urartian Kingdom, and the settlement lasted for a long time until the fall of the kingdom. This study presents previously unrecognised archaeological remains, which were identified during our recent investigations at Palu Fortress. Our survey of the site revealed that the Middle Iron Age citadel consisted of two sectors, and the Lower Citadel was enclosed by sturdy fortifications and terrace walls reinforced with bastions. Moreover, while Urartian rock signs were already recorded at Palu, our investigations documented previously unknown rock signs at the site. In addition, other previously unrecognised features dating to the post-Urartian periods were identified by our recent investigations, including five single-roomed rock-cut tombs and two stepped rock-cut tunnels. To better understand the relationship of the archaeological features at the site, a topographic map of Palu Fortress was drawn and visible archaeological remains dated to the Urartian and post-Urartian periods were marked on this map. In addition, the multi-roomed tombs of the Urartian period were scanned using Lidar sensors, and Lidar data were used to generate 3D models and rectified plans of the tombs. Finally, a preliminary virtual 3D reconstruction of the Urartian period fortifications was generated on the basis of recently discovered remains.

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Danışmaz, H. (2024). A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress. Anatolian Research, 0(30), 131-166.


Danışmaz H. A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress. Anatolian Research. 2024;0(30):131-166.


Danışmaz, H. A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress. Anatolian Research, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 30, p. 131-166, 2024.

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Danışmaz, Harun,. 2024. “A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress.” Anatolian Research 0, no. 30: 131-166.

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Danışmaz, Harun,. A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress.” Anatolian Research 0, no. 30 (Sep. 2024): 131-166.

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Danışmaz, H 2024, 'A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress', Anatolian Research, vol. 0, no. 30, pp. 131-166, viewed 10 Sep. 2024,

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Danışmaz, H. (2024) ‘A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress’, Anatolian Research, 0(30), pp. 131-166. (10 Sep. 2024).


Danışmaz, Harun,. A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress.” Anatolian Research, vol. 0, no. 30, 2024, pp. 131-166. [Database Container],


Danışmaz H. A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress. Anatolian Research [Internet]. 10 Sep. 2024 [cited 10 Sep. 2024];0(30):131-166. Available from: doi: 10.26650/anar.2024.30.1407798


Danışmaz, Harun. A Provincial Centre on the western border of Urartu: Palu Fortress”. Anatolian Research 0/30 (Sep. 2024): 131-166.


Published Online12.07.2024


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