Research Article

DOI :10.26650/anar.2024.30.1447862   IUP :10.26650/anar.2024.30.1447862    Full Text (PDF)

Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations

Bora Uysal

Elbistan Karahöyük is located in the centre of the Karahüyük neighbourhood, 10 km northwest of the Elbistan district of Kahramanmaraş province. On the western edge of the mound flows the Hurman Stream, and on the other side is Hamzatepe, another centre connected to the mound. These two centres, situated in the southwestern part of the Elbistan Plain and north of the Şar Mountain, are located side by side on either side of the Hurman Stream flowing into the Ceyhan River. Excavations carried out at Elbistan Karahöyük since 2015 mostly focused on the Iron Age and Late Bronze Age levels. The excavations conducted on the Northeast Slope of the mound aimed to reach the Middle Bronze Age layers and revealed two separate flood layers related to the flood disasters experienced at different times in the region. The 8th level, the oldest settlement level identified so far, was built on the flood layer left after a Middle Bronze Age flood disaster. Level 7, dated to the Late Bronze Age, was the site of the last flood disaster. These floods, caused by the Hurman Stream, must have affected all the mounds in the Elbistan Plain downstream from Tanır Yassıhöyük to Elbistan as much as Elbistan Karahöyük.

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Uysal, B. (2024). Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations. Anatolian Research, 0(30), 119-130.


Uysal B. Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations. Anatolian Research. 2024;0(30):119-130.


Uysal, B. Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations. Anatolian Research, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 30, p. 119-130, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Uysal, Bora,. 2024. “Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations.” Anatolian Research 0, no. 30: 119-130.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Uysal, Bora,. Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations.” Anatolian Research 0, no. 30 (Sep. 2024): 119-130.

Harvard: Australian Style

Uysal, B 2024, 'Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations', Anatolian Research, vol. 0, no. 30, pp. 119-130, viewed 10 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Uysal, B. (2024) ‘Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations’, Anatolian Research, 0(30), pp. 119-130. (10 Sep. 2024).


Uysal, Bora,. Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations.” Anatolian Research, vol. 0, no. 30, 2024, pp. 119-130. [Database Container],


Uysal B. Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations. Anatolian Research [Internet]. 10 Sep. 2024 [cited 10 Sep. 2024];0(30):119-130. Available from: doi: 10.26650/anar.2024.30.1447862


Uysal, Bora. Preliminary Results on Flood Disasters in the Elbistan Plain during the Second Millennium BC: Findings from the Elbistan Karahöyük Excavations”. Anatolian Research 0/30 (Sep. 2024): 119-130.


Published Online12.07.2024


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