Research Article

DOI :10.26650/experimed.1183414   IUP :10.26650/experimed.1183414    Full Text (PDF)

Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency

Miray Atacan YaşgüçlükalZeynep AcarBirgül BaştanAytül MutluAyşe Özlem Çokar

Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the rate of unplanned pregnancies, changes in seizure frequencies during the 6 months before the pregnancy, during the pregnancy, and the 6 months after the pregnancy, and antiseizure medication (ASM) compliances in women with epilepsy (WWEs). Materials and Methods: The study retrospectively evaluated WWEs who were followed up in the epilepsy outpatient clinic of a training and research hospital between 1997-2021 and had used ASMs for at least 6 months prior to their pregnancy. Results: The study assessed a total of 158 pregnancies for 77 WWEs, with 112 pregnancies resulting in live births, 71.4% of which were unplanned pregnancies. Unplanned pregnancies are more common in less educated women (p = 0.02). Of the women, 35 self-discontinued their ASMs during pregnancy, and these women were younger than the WWEs who continued taking their ASMs (p = 0.003). In addition, folic acid supplement use was lower in women who self-discontinued their ASMs (p = 0.031). The rate of increase in seizure frequency during postpartum period compared to pregnancy was higher in women who self -discontinued ASMs (p = 0.032). Conclusion: Self–discontinuation of ASM during pregnancy is related to an increase in postpartum seizure frequency. WWEs should be given advice on how to minimize the risk of seizure during the postpartum period.

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Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, M., Acar, Z., Baştan, B., Mutlu, A., & Çokar, A.Ö. (2022). Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency. Experimed, 12(3), 174-180.


Atacan Yaşgüçlükal M, Acar Z, Baştan B, Mutlu A, Çokar A Ö. Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency. Experimed. 2022;12(3):174-180.


Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, M.; Acar, Z.; Baştan, B.; Mutlu, A.; Çokar, A.Ö. Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency. Experimed, [Publisher Location], v. 12, n. 3, p. 174-180, 2022.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, Miray, and Zeynep Acar and Birgül Baştan and Aytül Mutlu and Ayşe Özlem Çokar. 2022. “Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency.” Experimed 12, no. 3: 174-180.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, Miray, and Zeynep Acar and Birgül Baştan and Aytül Mutlu and Ayşe Özlem Çokar. Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency.” Experimed 12, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 174-180.

Harvard: Australian Style

Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, M & Acar, Z & Baştan, B & Mutlu, A & Çokar, AÖ 2022, 'Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency', Experimed, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 174-180, viewed 9 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, M. and Acar, Z. and Baştan, B. and Mutlu, A. and Çokar, A.Ö. (2022) ‘Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency’, Experimed, 12(3), pp. 174-180. (9 Sep. 2024).


Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, Miray, and Zeynep Acar and Birgül Baştan and Aytül Mutlu and Ayşe Özlem Çokar. Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency.” Experimed, vol. 12, no. 3, 2022, pp. 174-180. [Database Container],


Atacan Yaşgüçlükal M, Acar Z, Baştan B, Mutlu A, Çokar AÖ. Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency. Experimed [Internet]. 9 Sep. 2024 [cited 9 Sep. 2024];12(3):174-180. Available from: doi: 10.26650/experimed.1183414


Atacan Yaşgüçlükal, Miray - Acar, Zeynep - Baştan, Birgül - Mutlu, Aytül - Çokar, AyşeÖzlem. Self-Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication During Pregnancy Increases Postpartum Seizure Frequency”. Experimed 12/3 (Sep. 2024): 174-180.


Published Online30.12.2022


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