Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory
Furkan Onur Usluer, Onur Barca, Sedat Karakaya, Fırat Demir, Nuran Bayram ArlıClimate change, which refers to the radical climatic changes that occur as a result of factors such as the release of various gases into the atmosphere, fossil fuel consumption, and industrial activities, is serious global concern. Food and water shortages, increased flooding, extreme temperatures, new epidemics, and economic losses are all threats posed by climate change. To mitigate the adverse effects of this phenomenon, some measures can be taken by all individuals. The study aims to investigate people’s attitudes toward climate change by determining their behavioral intentions with a model based on Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). The behavioral intentions of individuals to prevent climate change were analyzed with the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The source of data is a questionnaire conducted in Türkiye with 526 people over the age of 18. The results reveal that people’s threat and coping appraisals are effective in the formation of behavioral intentions to combat climate change and thus contribute significantly to protection motivation. Higher response efficiency and self-efficacy lead to higher levels of protection motivation. Threat and coping appraisal account for 65.3% of the total change in behavioral intentions.
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Usluer, F.O., Barca, O., Karakaya, S., Demir, F., & Bayram Arlı, N. (2023). Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(68), 85-96. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Usluer F O, Barca O, Karakaya S, Demir F, Bayram Arlı N. Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023;0(68):85-96. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Usluer, F.O.; Barca, O.; Karakaya, S.; Demir, F.; Bayram Arlı, N. Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 68, p. 85-96, 2023.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Usluer, Furkan Onur, and Onur Barca and Sedat Karakaya and Fırat Demir and Nuran Bayram Arlı. 2023. “Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 68: 85-96. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Chicago: Humanities Style
Usluer, Furkan Onur, and Onur Barca and Sedat Karakaya and Fırat Demir and Nuran Bayram Arlı. “Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 68 (Sep. 2024): 85-96. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Harvard: Australian Style
Usluer, FO & Barca, O & Karakaya, S & Demir, F & Bayram Arlı, N 2023, 'Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory', Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 68, pp. 85-96, viewed 18 Sep. 2024, https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Usluer, F.O. and Barca, O. and Karakaya, S. and Demir, F. and Bayram Arlı, N. (2023) ‘Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(68), pp. 85-96. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199 (18 Sep. 2024).
Usluer, Furkan Onur, and Onur Barca and Sedat Karakaya and Fırat Demir and Nuran Bayram Arlı. “Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 68, 2023, pp. 85-96. [Database Container], https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Usluer FO, Barca O, Karakaya S, Demir F, Bayram Arlı N. Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 18 Sep. 2024 [cited 18 Sep. 2024];0(68):85-96. Available from: https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199 doi: 10.26650/JECS2023-1300199
Usluer, FurkanOnur - Barca, Onur - Karakaya, Sedat - Demir, Fırat - Bayram Arlı, Nuran. “Explanation of Behavioral Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change with Protection Motivation Theory”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/68 (Sep. 2024): 85-96. https://doi.org/10.26650/JECS2023-1300199