Research Article

DOI :10.26650/LITERA2023-1307165   IUP :10.26650/LITERA2023-1307165    Full Text (PDF)

The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis

Marijana MandićSonja NovakLjiljana Pıntarıć

The paper examines the way how the culture of the city is represented in contemporary German and Croatian prose exemplified by Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende [Autolysis Vienna. Stories of the End] and Davor Špišič’s Vuk na snijegu [Wolf in the Snow]. The thesis of the paper is that Peschka’s and Špišić’s literary cityscapes of Vienna and Zagreb respectively are self-referential semiospheres or metaphors produced by their cultures, whose semiotic textual spaces are formed holistically as results of the geocultural and sociohistorical context of centrality (Vienna) and periphery (Zagreb), and the way they correlate and interchange. By applying a (post) structuralist, comparative and sociological approach, the paper analyses how the represented city space is reshaped in the dystopian and post-apocalyptic narratives to a state of unrecognizability and is reconstructed by means of reception, experience and knowledge of the readers, e. g. by the end of the short stories’ collection Autolyse Wien Peschka’s Vienna remains alive only in the characters’ memories, while most parts of Špišić’s Zagreb are altered in terms of their function, character, purpose, and accessibility. On the one hand, this results in the loss of the represented city’s cultural and urban identity, and on the other, the dichotomy of centrality and periphery, the urban and the rural, the civilized and the wild, the cultured and the natural becomes blurred.

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Mandić, M., Novak, S., & Pıntarıć, L. (2023). The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, 33(2), 457-476.


Mandić M, Novak S, Pıntarıć L. The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies. 2023;33(2):457-476.


Mandić, M.; Novak, S.; Pıntarıć, L. The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 33, n. 2, p. 457-476, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Mandić, Marijana, and Sonja Novak and Ljiljana Pıntarıć. 2023. “The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis.” Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 33, no. 2: 457-476.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Mandić, Marijana, and Sonja Novak and Ljiljana Pıntarıć. The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis.” Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 33, no. 2 (Sep. 2024): 457-476.

Harvard: Australian Style

Mandić, M & Novak, S & Pıntarıć, L 2023, 'The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis', Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 457-476, viewed 10 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Mandić, M. and Novak, S. and Pıntarıć, L. (2023) ‘The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis’, Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, 33(2), pp. 457-476. (10 Sep. 2024).


Mandić, Marijana, and Sonja Novak and Ljiljana Pıntarıć. The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis.” Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, vol. 33, no. 2, 2023, pp. 457-476. [Database Container],


Mandić M, Novak S, Pıntarıć L. The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies [Internet]. 10 Sep. 2024 [cited 10 Sep. 2024];33(2):457-476. Available from: doi: 10.26650/LITERA2023-1307165


Mandić, Marijana - Novak, Sonja - Pıntarıć, Ljiljana. The Centre-Periphery Dichotomy in Davor Špišić’s Vuk na snijegu and Karin Peschka’s Autolyse Wien. Erzählungen vom Ende and its Turns in Times of Crisis”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 33/2 (Sep. 2024): 457-476.


Published Online25.12.2023


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