Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iutd.20241274860   IUP :10.26650/iutd.20241274860    Full Text (PDF)

A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612

Ahmet Tekin

This study analyzes existing literature by examining the ahdname of 1612, which has yet to have been explored in the literature. The ahdnames granted to England established the framework for the rights and obligations associated with the navigation of ships flying the English flag in Ottoman waters, as well as the movement, residence, and commercial activities of English merchants within Ottoman domains. After the first ahdname was granted to England in 1580 during the reign of Sultan Murad III (1574-1595), the scope of future ahdnames was expanded with later additions. This study will first briefly introduce the ahdnames granted to England and then elaborate on the process leading up to the Ahdname of 1612. Despite not being particularly groundbreaking in terms of its articles, the ahdname of 1612 is quite valuable due to the additions and revisions to previous ahdnames. Moreover, this ahdname provides a crucial opportunity upon examination with reference to earlier works in the literature to track the development of English privileges from 1580-1612.

DOI :10.26650/iutd.20241274860   IUP :10.26650/iutd.20241274860    Full Text (PDF)

Osmanlı-İngiliz Diplomatik ve Ticari İlişkileri Tarihine Bir Katkı: 1612 Ahidnâmesi

Ahmet Tekin

Bu çalışmada, literatürde daha önce müstakil olarak ele alınmamış olan 1612 tarihli İngiltere ahidnâmesi değerlendirilerek mevcut bilgiler tartışılmaktadır. İngiltere’ye verilen ahidnâmeler, İngiltere bayrağı altında bulunan gemilerin Osmanlı sularında seyrüseferi ve İngiliz tüccarının Osmanlı Devleti sınırları dahilinde dolaşması, ikamet etmesi ve ticari faaliyetler yürütmesi ile ilgili hak ve yükümlülüklerin çerçevesini belirliyordu. Sultan III. Murad döneminde (1574-1595), 1580 yılında İngiltere’ye bahşedilen ilk ahidnâmeden sonra zaman içinde yapılan eklemelerle İngiliz ahidnâmelerinin kapsamı genişletilmiştir. Bu makalede, İngiltere’ye verilen ahidnâmelere dair genel bir giriş sunulduktan sonra 1612 yılına giden sürece değinilecektir. 1612 ahidnâmesi, ihtiva ettiği maddeler açısından kendi başına çığır açan bir metin olmasa da evvelki maddelerin tecdid ve revize edilmesinin yanı sıra yeni hükümlerin ihdas edildiği bir düzenleme olması bakımından oldukça kıymetlidir. Zira 1612 tarihli ahidnâme, 1580’den 1612’ye kadar olan İngiliz ahidnâmelerini kümülatif olarak görerek söz konusu imtiyazların gelişim sürecini takip etmeyi mümkün kılar. 

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Tekin, A. (2024). A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612. Turkish Journal of History, 0(82), 133-167.


Tekin A. A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612. Turkish Journal of History. 2024;0(82):133-167.


Tekin, A. A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612. Turkish Journal of History, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 82, p. 133-167, 2024.

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Tekin, Ahmet,. 2024. “A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612.” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 82: 133-167.

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Tekin, Ahmet,. A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612.” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 82 (Sep. 2024): 133-167.

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Tekin, A 2024, 'A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612', Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 82, pp. 133-167, viewed 14 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tekin, A. (2024) ‘A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612’, Turkish Journal of History, 0(82), pp. 133-167. (14 Sep. 2024).


Tekin, Ahmet,. A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612.” Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 82, 2024, pp. 133-167. [Database Container],


Tekin A. A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612. Turkish Journal of History [Internet]. 14 Sep. 2024 [cited 14 Sep. 2024];0(82):133-167. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iutd.20241274860


Tekin, Ahmet. A Contribution to the History of Ottoman-English Diplomatic and Commercial Relations: The Ahdname of 1612”. Turkish Journal of History 0/82 (Sep. 2024): 133-167.


Published Online15.03.2024


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