Belagatte Söz ve Sözün Uzatılmasına Dair Terimlerin Türkçe ve Batı Kökenli Denklikleri Üzerine
Bahadır GüneşSözün kurallarına uygun, yerinde ve güzel bir şekilde dile getirilmesi esasına dayanan belagat, sözün kullanılmasına dair kural koyucu disiplinlerin en eskilerindendir. Bu disiplin, ifade güzelliğini kendisine bağlı alt kolları ile daha alt birimlerinin yardımıyla gerçekleştirmektedir. Meani, beyan ve bedii olmak üzere üç ana kola ayrılan belagat, bu kolların kendi içinde bölümlere ayrılmasıyla söyleyişi güzelleştirmeyi hedefleyen, sözün yerine ve zamanına uygun olarak ifade edilmesinin yollarını gösteren geniş bir kurallar bütünü olarak ortaya çıkar. Bu çalışmada belagatin geneliyle ilgili değil, özellikle söz ve söz kavramı altında değerlendirilen unsurları üzerinde durularak belagat sahasında bir kusur veya eksiklik olarak kabul edilen sözün uzatılmasına dair terimler ele alınmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu bağlamda belagatin söze dair unsurlarından kelam, kelime, lafız ile birer kusur olarak kabul edilen ıtnab ve haşiv terimleri üzerinde durularak söz konusu unsurların belagatte ele alınış biçimleri kısaca değerlendirilecek, bu terimlerin Türkçe karşılıklarının türetilip kullanılmasıyla ilgili, kaynaklarda öne sürülen terim önerileri ve Batı kökenli terimlerin birbirleriyle olan anlam denklikleri mukayese edilecek, terminolojik açıdan Arapça kökenli asıl terim ile Türkçe ve Batı kökenli terimler karşılıklı denklik özelliklerine göre değerlendirilecektir.
The Turkish and English Equivalents of the Terms Associated with the Concepts of Word and Belaboring in Rhetoric
Bahadır GüneşRhetoric is based on the principle of the pertinent and accurate expression of words according to certain rules and is among the oldest rule-making disciplines associated with word usage. This discipline ensures elegance of expression by means of associated branches and sub-branches. Branched into meânî [meaning], beyan [statement], and bedii [aesthetic], rhetoric appears as a body of rules that aim to embellish speech and show the ways of proper and timely expression by further sub-branching these three branches. Rather than the full extent of rhetoric, this article instead discusses the particular elements that are categorized as words under the term of word and attempts to treat the terms relating to belaboring, which is considered a flaw or deficiency of rhetoric. In this respect, this study dwells on the terms kelam [remark], kelime [word], and lafız [wording], as well as ıtnab [belabor] and haşiv [pleonasm], both of which are considered linguistic flaws, and briefly evaluates their usage in rhetoric. With regard to the derivations and uses of the Turkish equivalents of such terms, the study also compares the terms suggested by resources and their lexical equivalents in English. The study finishes by evaluating the original terms in Arabic against their respective Turkish and English terms according to the quality of their equivalence.
Based on the principle of the pertinent and accurate expression of words according to certain rules, rhetoric is one of the oldest rule-making disciplines associated with word usage. This discipline ensures elegance of expression by means of associated branches and sub-branches. Branched into meânî [meaning], beyan [statement], and bedii [aesthetic], rhetoric appears as a body of rules that aim to embellish speech and show the ways of proper and timely expression with further sub-branching these three branches.
Dating back to before the common era (BCE), rhetoric has always exhibited the characteristics of an interesting discipline since earliest times. Rhetoric has a rich seam of information for linguistics outside the literary science, which focuses on speaking in a beautiful, correct, place and time. Rhetoric and its sub-units have become an important field of research, especially for analyzing the language of poetry, as well as for the type of analyses on which linguists deliberate. Furthermore, rhetoric has become a unique sphere of research owing to the Turkish as well as other terms hinting at the Arabic elements in its rich terminology. While how these terms had gained popularity might be a question for other research and analysis, the emergence of such a terminology-based field of study is significant proof also indicating rhetoric to offer valuable data for linguistic studies as well as literary research.
The scientific approach toward literature and, accordingly, toward language as the basic element of rhetoric in linguistic studies is one of the factors that converge and combine the two disciplines. In this sense, in studies on rhetoric, it is possible for literary science and linguistics to achieve more quality results by combining different ideas within the same plan. This is an important point to consider in order to have Turcology studies be able to achieve its own interdisciplinary dimension.
Figures of speech are among the most notable elements that show rhetoric and language to involve various aspects of joint study methods, in which former denominations continue according to similar reasoning. Although figures of speech are essential elements of rhetoric, they don’t signify rhetoric to the fullest extent. Nevertheless, they are the most distinguished aspect of rhetoric when coming to Turkish studies.
Rather than the full extent, this article instead discusses the particular elements that are categorized as words under the term of word and attempts to address the terms that relate to belaboring, which is considered a linguistic flaw or deficiency in rhetoric. In this respect, this study dwells on the terms of kelam [remark], kelime [word], and lafız [wording], as well as ıtnab [belabor] and haşiv [pleonasm], both of which are considered linguistic flaws; the study will also briefly evaluate their usage in rhetoric. Concerning the derivation and use of the Turkish equivalents of such terms, the study also compares the terms suggested by resources as well as the lexical equivalents in English. The study finishes by evaluating the original terms in Arabic against their respective Turkish and Western terms based on the quality of their equivalence.
As a result of these comparisons, rhetoric terms that have posed a well-established order for centuries are seen to actually preserve their original terminology despite the Turkish suggestions and Western terms. In addition, the suggested Turkish rhetoric terms create a notable terminological body of data. In conclusion, a general semantic equivalence or overlap is seen to be present among the original terms of Arabic origin, the suggested words of Turkish originEnglish. However, the presence of such equivalence or overlap does not mean that the related terms can be used interchangeably in all cases.