DOI :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.05   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.05    Full Text (PDF)

Increasing Digital health Literacy: Social Media Strategies

Büşra GülGözde Yeşilaydın

In today’s world of digital transformation, individuals follow health-related information, news, and comments on social media platforms. They use virtual environments as a decision-making mechanism regarding their health, such as disease information, risks, appropriate treatment selection, and lifestyle changes. At this point, individuals must have the ability to access accurate and healthy information, read, understand, evaluate, and interpret the information they obtain, and benefit from this information most appropriately. In other words, they must have a digital health literacy level. With the widespread use of social media and the internet, the frequency of health searches and the importance of digital health literacy are increasing day by day. We need social media strategies to interact with social media users more effectively and with maximum benefit, thereby increasing the level of digital health literacy. In this section, what is the relationship between digital health literacy and social media? What role does social media play in developing digital health literacy? Are the strategies used by social media content producers also valid for the health sector? Questions will be answered.


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