DOI :10.26650/B/AA07AA25.2024.033.009   IUP :10.26650/B/AA07AA25.2024.033.009    Full Text (PDF)

Knowledge and Rhetoric: Al-suyūṭī’s Plague Maqāma and its Historical and Cultural Context

Li Guo

 A hitherto little examined text, al-Maqāma al-ṭā‘ūniyya, or “The plague tale,” by the Mamluk polymath Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (d. 1505) about the plague that hit Egypt in the years 897-898/1491-1492 calls for attention regarding its valuable content and structural oddity: while the main narrative offers a rare eye-witness account of the natural disaster, the ensuing commentaries by seven scholars—no physician included—describe the “shock and awe” on impact, each using jargons of his own branch of Arabic-Islamic learning. This essay aims at an initial assessment of the historical and epistemological values of this remarkable text as a case study of the noticeable didactic turn in late Mamluk writing culture. 


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