DOI :10.26650/B/LS32LS24.2024.005.013   IUP :10.26650/B/LS32LS24.2024.005.013    Full Text (PDF)

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

Deniz Devrim Tosun

This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the recirculating aquaculture technology and its applications in the aquaculture industry with a focus on Turkish aquaculture. The purpose and scope of this chapter include the following:

  • Definition and background: A clear definition of RAS and an overview of the history and development of the technology.
  • Components and design: A description of the key components of RAS and an explanation of how RAS systems are designed and constructed.
  • Advantages and disadvantages: A discussion of the key advantages and disadvantages of RAS, including environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness, improved yields, and the reduced risk of disease and parasitism.
  • Future directions: A discussion of the future directions of RAS, including the potential for further technological development and the continued growth and acceptance of RAS as a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of growing aquatic species.
  • RAS in Türkiye


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