Human Capital in Space Economy: An Integration of Resource-Based View and Resource Dependency Theories
Bora YıldızOECD defines the space economy as “the full range of activities and the use of resources that create value and benefits to human beings in the course of exploring, researching, understanding, managing, and utilising space”. Space economy has emerged as a concept whose importance is increasing day by day for many countries of the world. In recent years, the concept of space economy has particularly started to attract the attention of developing countries who have begun to allocate large budgets for this. One of the most important reasons underlying this is that space technologies accelerate technological developments in direct and indirect industries. The added value of the space economy on other sectors such as technology, production, geography, and medicine is huge. Moreover, progress in the space economy is undoubtedly closely related to human capital. In this context, it is vital for organisations to find, train, and employ innovative, creative, and proactive employees. Accordingly, this study aims to develop a holistic framework for the workforce of the space age by considering the resource-based view and resource dependency theories. This book chapter discusses human capital in the space economy, proactive personality, innovative workplace behaviors, and creativity. Also, various suggestions for businesses are discussed, considering the theoretical frameworks.
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