DOI :10.26650/B/SS10.2024.013.022   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10.2024.013.022    Full Text (PDF)

Towards a Sustainable Blue Economy in Türki̇ye: An Overview of Key Sectors and SDG 14 Targets

Gülşah Şentürk Kocakaya

The Blue Economy is an approach that promotes the sustainable management and utilization of marine and ocean resources. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 14 includes many targets that can be summarised as “Sustainable Use of Marine and Ocean Resources”. In this study, the general framework of the Blue Economy is drawn, and the steps taken by Türkiye to realize this goal are examined. Considering its long coastline, rich marine biodiversity and maritime potential, SDG 14 is important for Türkiye. Marine tourism, fisheries and aquaculture, and maritime transport sectors are the leading areas of the Blue Economy in Türkiye. In addition to the significant economic benefits to be realized in these sectors, Türkiye’s Blue Economy strategy also faces challenges in protecting the marine environment and ensuring sustainability. These challenges include marine pollution, overfishing, technological gaps, and diplomatic and legal barriers. Moreover, given the targets and indicators of SDG 14, Türkiye needs to strengthen its policies and efforts, particularly in protecting marine and ocean resources, promoting sustainable fisheries, conserving marine biodiversity, and investing in marine technologies.


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