Research Article

DOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525083   IUP :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525083    Full Text (PDF)

Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology

Meriç KılınçBaşak Nur Gökçam

This research examines the role of neoliberal ideology in media and cultural production processes. The primary aim is to determine how and to what extent values associated with neoliberalism—such as consumption, fashion, hedonism, individuality, competition and success, property and wealth, freedom, travel, beauty, entertainment, innovation, and technology—are represented in the influencers’ social media content. Given the significant influence of social media platforms on broad audiences, understanding this content’s impact on societal norms and values is crucial from cultural and social dynamics perspectives. The study employs qualitative content analysis, focusing on the Instagram posts of the 10 most popular influencers in Turkey. A total of 267 posts were coded, and the findings were evaluated using frequency and percentage calculations. The findings reveal that influencer content significantly promotes neoliberal values, including consumer culture, fashion and beauty standards, and the ideals of travel and freedom, beyond merely promoting products and services. This study is expected to highlight the role of influencer marketing in the reproduction of neoliberal values. This research contributes to the literature on media and cultural studies by providing a framework for understanding the impact of social media content on individuals and collective memory.

DOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525083   IUP :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525083    Full Text (PDF)

Dijital Hegemonya: Egemen İdeolojinin Yeniden Üretim Sürecinde Influencer Pazarlama

Meriç KılınçBaşak Nur Gökçam

Bu araştırma, neoliberal ideolojinin medya ve kültürel üretim süreçlerindeki rolünü incelemektedir. Araştırmanın temel amacı, influencer’ların sosyal medya içeriklerinde, ilgili literatür doğrultusunda yayılımının teşvik edildiği düşünülen değerlerin; (tüketim, moda, hazcılık, bireysellik, rekabet ve başarı, mülkiyet ve zenginlik, özgürlük, seyahat, güzellik, eğlence, yenilik ve teknoloji) ne şekilde ve hangi yoğunlukta temsil edildiğini belirlemektir. Sosyal medya platformlarının geniş kitleler üzerindeki etkisi göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, bu içeriklerin toplumsal normlar ve değerler üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak, kültürel ve sosyal dinamikler açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Araştırmada nitel içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmış, yaşam tarzlarına ilişkin içerik paylaşan Türkiye’deki en popüler 10 influencer’ın Instagram paylaşımları incelenmiştir. Toplam 267 gönderinin kodlanması doğrultusunda sıklık ve yüzde analizi yapılarak bulgular değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular, influencer içeriklerinin; ürün ve hizmetlerin ötesinde büyük ölçüde tüketim kültürü, moda ve güzellik standartları, tüketim odaklı seyahat ve özgürlük temaları gibi neoliberal değerleri pazarladığını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmanın, influencer pazarlamanın neoliberal değerlerin yeniden üretimindeki rolünü açığa çıkarması beklenmektedir. Medya çalışmaları ve kültürel çalışmalar literatürüne katkıda bulunan araştırma, sosyal medya içeriklerinin bireyler ve toplumsal bellek üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak için çerçeve sağlamaktadır. 


This study examines how neoliberal values are represented in the content of social media influencers in Turkey and the impact of these representations on social norms. Neoliberalism, emphasising individual freedoms and a free-market economy while advocating minimal state intervention, is frequently represented globally through mass media. Social media has emerged as a crucial tool for disseminating these neoliberal values to a broad audience. The research aims to determine the extent and manner in which these values are embedded in influencer content and how such content influences individuals’ consumption habits, aesthetic norms, and general lifestyle.

In contemporary society, social media functions not only as a platform for individual expression but also as a medium for the reproduction of societal structures and ideologies. Influencers, due to their large followings, play a critical role in spreading cultural norms and values. This study is crucial for understanding the impact of social media content on identity construction, social status perception, and consumer preferences. Moreover, in a unipolar political climate resistant to criticism, critical media studies can be seen as a constructive effort that promotes alternative modes of thought. 

The research employs qualitative content analysis. The Instagram posts of the ten most popular lifestyle influencers in Turkey were examined, resulting in the analysis of 267 posts across various themes. These themes include consumer culture, fashion and beauty standards, individuality, competitiveness, property and wealth, travel and freedom, entertainment and hedonism, and technological innovations. The analysis reveals how frequently and in what contexts these themes appear in influencer content.

The findings indicate that influencer content largely promotes consumer culture and aesthetic norms. The promotion of luxury products and sponsored content shape individuals’ consumption habits through social media and increases consumption pressure. This phenomenon leads individuals to express their quest for social status through consumption.

Content related to personal development and personal branding is often presented through the lens of positive psychology and affirmative thinking. This trend contributes to reinforcing a culture centred on individual responsibility and success.

The study also shows that influencers indirectly idealise property and wealth. Influencers who showcase luxury lifestyles incite a desire among their followers to adopt similar lifestyles. This desire is a fundamental dynamic that fuels the consumer culture of our age, encouraging social media users to idealise hard-to-attain lifestyles and fostering a desire to access them.

Themes of travel and freedom frequently appear in influencer content, reinforcing the desire for self-expression through consumption. However, most of this content is luxuryconsumption-oriented rather than focused on cultural exploration. This contributes to the neglect of cultural heritage and local values on social media, favouring the spread of global consumer culture.

Themes of entertainment and living in the moment often symbolise an escape from economic and social issues, promoting a lifestyle focused on individual pleasures. This content can lead individuals to prioritise instant gratification and consumer-oriented activities, potentially detracting from long-term goals and deep personal development. The promotion of a consumer-oriented and hedonistic lifestyle, alongside increased individualisation, has been evaluated as a phenomenon that complicates collective consciousness and solidarity.

Conclusion and Evaluation:

The research highlights the critical role of social media influencers in reproducing the values of the dominant ideology. Influencer marketing contributes to the spread of consumer culture and aesthetic norms, exerting significant psychological pressure on individuals. This is especially evident among young people, who may feel pressured to conform to beauty standards and adopt consumer-oriented lifestyles. There is a need for more qualitative and quantitative research to understand the impact of social media on individuals’ social norms and values.

This study contributes to the literature on media and cultural studies by providing a framework for understanding the influence of social media content on societal memory. Collaborations between influencers and brands have emerged as a new and potent marketing paradigm. However, to gain a holistic understanding of influencer marketing, it is essential to consider its effects not only within the context of corporate marketing activities but also on society, politics, and culture. In this context, critical media studies should be regarded as efforts that contribute to societal awareness and raise consciousness.

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Kılınç, M., & Gökçam, B.N. (2024). Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 0(25), 141-165.


Kılınç M, Gökçam B N. Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 2024;0(25):141-165.


Kılınç, M.; Gökçam, B.N. Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 25, p. 141-165, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kılınç, Meriç, and Başak Nur Gökçam. 2024. “Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology.” 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 0, no. 25: 141-165.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kılınç, Meriç, and Başak Nur Gökçam. Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology.” 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 0, no. 25 (Mar. 2025): 141-165.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kılınç, M & Gökçam, BN 2024, 'Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology', 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, vol. 0, no. 25, pp. 141-165, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kılınç, M. and Gökçam, B.N. (2024) ‘Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology’, 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 0(25), pp. 141-165. (10 Mar. 2025).


Kılınç, Meriç, and Başak Nur Gökçam. Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology.” 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, vol. 0, no. 25, 2024, pp. 141-165. [Database Container],


Kılınç M, Gökçam BN. Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(25):141-165. Available from: doi: 10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525083


Kılınç, Meriç - Gökçam, BaşakNur. Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant Ideology”. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 0/25 (Mar. 2025): 141-165.


Published Online08.11.2024


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