About Our 25th IssueEditorialtrTemadan Kurumsal: Gazetecilik Enstitüsü’nden İletişim Fakültesi’neVeli PolatEditorialtrTemadan Kavramsal: Toplumsal Bellek ve İletişim Alanı Üzerine Birkaç NotAlev AslanEditorialtrExamination of Digital War Reporting Applications in the Context of Baudrillard's Communication Theory: Liveuamap Sampleİpek KarakoyunDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1513084Research ArticletrP. 1-26On Collective Memory: “The Interrogation of the Good”Gizem Ekin ÇelikDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525477Research ArticletrP. 27-40The Enchanting World of Outlander: An Analysis of Celtic Myths and FeminismMerve Feryal AshmawyDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1517343Research ArticleenP. 41-61Feminist Ethnography As A Study of Oral History: Tattooed [Deq] Women of a GenerationBeyza Huriye TurgutDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1568731Research ArticletrP. 63-110A Look at Turkish National Values in the Context of the Social Media Shares of Opinion Leaders in Maintaining Collective MemoryZeynep ÖzcanDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1514197Research ArticletrP. 111-140Digital Hegemony: Influencer Marketing in the Reproduction Process of the Dominant IdeologyMeriç Kılınç, Başak Nur GökçamDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1525083Research ArticletrP. 141-165From Collective Memory to Media Memory: Digital Environments in Memory ConstructionBirgül Üstünbaş ErdoğanDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1527628Research ArticletrP. 167-187Horror and Memory: Traces of Collective Memory in Turkish Horror CinemaÇağla CoşarDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1562283Research ArticletrP. 189-206The Construction of Collective Memory in the Axis of Social Reality and HabitusMuhammed Vedat Karadağ, Gülsüm ÇalışırDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1540402Research ArticletrP. 207-229Collective Memory as A Field of Struggle in The Conflict Between Democracy and Anti-Democracy: An Interview with Reyhan Ünal ÇınarAlev AslanDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1560126InterviewtrP. 231-240Critical Political Economy of Culture and Communication: An Interview with Graham MurdockGökhan ÖzalpDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1570762TranslationtrP. 241-274Collective Memory According to Maurice HalbwachsAjda ÜçerDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1541723Book ReviewtrP. 275-282A Review of Alev Alatlı’s Bize Yön Veren MetinlerMelikşah Aksu, Ahmet Mahmut DoğruDOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1570323Book ReviewtrP. 283-305