Research Article

DOI :10.26650/arcp2018-589785   IUP :10.26650/arcp2018-589785    Full Text (PDF)

An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy

Emine Canlı

In this work, it will be argued that there is a direct relation between the ways language and humans have been projected in the political sphere spanning from Ancient Greece to our times. Accordingly, it will be asserted that a reorganisation of the sphere of politics is possible only by unearthing the creative (presentation) and regulatory (representation) character of language. In order to do so, we will analyse the ties between name (onoma), word (logos), nature (physis), and law (nomos) starting off with Plato’s Kratylos and Aristotle’s Politics. Later on, we will highlight the paradoxical structure of the relation between language and politics in the works of Plato and Aristotle using Jacques Rancière concept of disagreement (la mésentente) and develop certain propositions in this matter with the help of Walter Benjamin’s understanding of language. This work, which in some respects, will progress focused on political philosophy, is an inquiry into the possibilities that a reconception of language may provide in developing new horizons in philosophy by reversing the assertions regarding the potential of language and philosophy of Plato.

DOI :10.26650/arcp2018-589785   IUP :10.26650/arcp2018-589785    Full Text (PDF)

Dil ve Politika İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Soruşturma: Dilin Politik Felsefeye Sağlayabileceği İmkânlar

Emine Canlı

Bu çalışmada dil ile insanın politik düzlemdeki tasarlanışı arasında Antin Yunan’dan günümüze kadar doğrudan bir ilişki olduğu iddia edilecek ve bununla bağlantılı olarak politik düzlemin yeniden düzenlenmesinin de ancak dilin (yaratıcı olan) sunum (presentation) ve (düzenleyici olan) yeniden-sunum (representation) karakterinin açığa çıkarılmasıyla mümkün olduğu savunulacaktır. Bu amaçla, Platon’un Kratylos ve Aristoteles’in Politika metinlerinden yola çıkarak, ad (onoma), söz (logos), doğa (physis) ve yasa (nomos) arasındaki bağıntıları çözümleyeceğiz. Sonrasında ise Platon ve Aristoteles metinlerindeki dil ve politika ilişkisinin paradoksal yapısına Jacques Rancière “uyuşmazlık” (la mésentente, disagreement) kavramı ile işaret edilecek ve Walter Benjamin’in dil anlayışı üzerinden öneriler geliştirilecektir. Politik felsefe özelinde ilerleyecek çalışma bir bakıma, Platon’un dilin imkânının aynı zamanda felsefenin imkânı olduğu savı tersine çevrilerek politik felsefede yeni imkânların geliştirilmesinin de ancak dilin yeniden düşünülmesi ile mümkün olabileceğini göstermeye çalışacaktır.

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Canlı, E. (0001). An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy. Archives of Philosophy, 0(49), 23-36.


Canlı E. An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy. Archives of Philosophy. 0001;0(49):23-36.


Canlı, E. An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy. Archives of Philosophy, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 49, p. 23-36, 0001.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Canlı, Emine,. 0001. “An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 49: 23-36.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Canlı, Emine,. An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 49 (Sep. 2024): 23-36.

Harvard: Australian Style

Canlı, E 0001, 'An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy', Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 49, pp. 23-36, viewed 29 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Canlı, E. (0001) ‘An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy’, Archives of Philosophy, 0(49), pp. 23-36. (29 Sep. 2024).


Canlı, Emine,. An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy.” Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 49, 0001, pp. 23-36. [Database Container],


Canlı E. An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy. Archives of Philosophy [Internet]. 29 Sep. 2024 [cited 29 Sep. 2024];0(49):23-36. Available from: doi: 10.26650/arcp2018-589785


Canlı, Emine. An Inquiry into the Relation between Language and Politics: Possibilities Provided by Language to Politicial Philosophy”. Archives of Philosophy 0/49 (Sep. 2024): 23-36.


Last Revision27.09.2018


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