Research Article

DOI :10.26650/arcp2019-589804   IUP :10.26650/arcp2019-589804    Full Text (PDF)

Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience

Güncel Önkal

The position of art in its juxtaposition of progress and development can be historically brought back to the position of its object in the context of its ideological and iconological discussion. The distortion of the art object in the aesthetic experience is not about the subject, but about the expectation that the art object establishes the art world among different forms of evaluation as the object of an evaluation act. The jurisdiction of criticism cannot be put forward at this point, and cannot be talked about, as a result of its relevance to its ontological and epistemological bases. With all its experienced actors, the world of art is not a world of aesthetic experience with appreciation. In this study, how the object of art is distorted in aesthetic experience in the new art world created by the relevance of art will be handled from the perspective of Shusterman.

DOI :10.26650/arcp2019-589804   IUP :10.26650/arcp2019-589804    Full Text (PDF)

İlişkisel Bir “Dünya” Olarak Sanat ve Nesnenin Yeni Estetik Deneyimde Bozulumu

Güncel Önkal

Sanatın ilerleme ve gelişme düşüncesi kıskacında konumlandırılışı tarihsel olarak onun ideolojik ve ikonolojik tartışma bağlamında nesnesinin konumlandırılışına geri götürülebilir. Sanat nesnesinin estetik deneyimde bozulumu özneden hareketle değil, sanat nesnesinin bir değerlendirme ediminin nesnesi olarak farklı değerlendirme biçimleri arasında sanat dünyasını kurması beklentisi ile ilgilidir. Beğeni yargısı bu noktada ortaya konulamaz, hakkında konuşulamaz, ontolojik ve epistemolojik dayanakları ile ilişkiselliğin sonucu olarak karşımıza çıkar. Deneyimsel tüm aktörleri ile sanat dünyası beğeniye dayanan bir estetik deneyim dünyası değil artık salt deneyimin gelip geçiciliğinin vücut bulmasıdır. Bu çalışmada sanatın ilişkiselliğinin yarattığı yeni sanat dünyasında sanat nesnesinin estetik deneyimde nasıl bozuluma uğratıldığı Shustermancı bakış açısıyla ele alınacaktır. 

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Önkal, G. (2019). Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience. Archives of Philosophy, 0(50), 9-16.


Önkal G. Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience. Archives of Philosophy. 2019;0(50):9-16.


Önkal, G. Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience. Archives of Philosophy, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 50, p. 9-16, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Önkal, Güncel,. 2019. “Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 50: 9-16.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Önkal, Güncel,. Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 50 (Mar. 2025): 9-16.

Harvard: Australian Style

Önkal, G 2019, 'Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience', Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 50, pp. 9-16, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Önkal, G. (2019) ‘Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience’, Archives of Philosophy, 0(50), pp. 9-16. (10 Mar. 2025).


Önkal, Güncel,. Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience.” Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 50, 2019, pp. 9-16. [Database Container],


Önkal G. Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience. Archives of Philosophy [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(50):9-16. Available from: doi: 10.26650/arcp2019-589804


Önkal, Güncel. Art As A Relational “World” and The Deterioration of The Object in The New Aesthetic Experience”. Archives of Philosophy 0/50 (Mar. 2025): 9-16.


Last Revision28.03.2019


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