Research Article

DOI :10.26650/arcp2019-589759   IUP :10.26650/arcp2019-589759    Full Text (PDF)

Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature

Metin Bal

This article is on Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist philosophy and his theory of art. Sartre, first of all, sets up phenomenological ontology, then founds humanist atheist existentialism. Sartre projects his theory of committed literature as his contribution to the field of philosophy of art on phenomenological ontology and humanist atheist existentialism. In the first part of this article, a brief description of the sources and grounds of Sartre’s ideas are given. In the second part, the theory of committed literature is explained. Here, the most important property of Sartre’s art theory, namely Sartre’s separation of literature from plastic arts is clarified. The second part of the article is composed of four sections. In the first section of the second part, Sartre’s critique against the theory of aesthetic purity is investigated. In the second section, a relation between development of art and human freedom is set up. In the third section the difference between art of literature and plastic arts is determined. In the fourth and the last section the meaning of committed literature is defined.

DOI :10.26650/arcp2019-589759   IUP :10.26650/arcp2019-589759    Full Text (PDF)

Sartre’ın Varoluşçu Felsefesi ve Dava Edebiyatı Teorisi

Metin Bal

Bu makale Jean-Paul Sartre’ın varoluşçu felsefesi ve sanat teorisi üzerinedir. Sartre önce fenomenolojik ontolojiyi, ardından hümanist ateist varoluşçuluğu kurar. Sartre sanat felsefesi alanına katkısı olan dava edebiyatı teorisini fenomenolojik ontoloji ve hümanist ateist varoluşçuluk zemininde tasarlar. Makalenin ilk bölümünde Sartre’ın düşüncelerinin kaynakları ve temelleri kısaca açıklanır. İkinci bölümde dava edebiyatı teorisi açıklanır. Burada, Sartre’ın sanat teorisinin en önemli özelliği, başka bir deyişle, Sartre’ın düzyazı sanatı olan edebiyatı plastik sanatlardan ayırması açıklanmaya çalışılır. İkinci bölüm dört ayrı alt başlıktan oluşur. İkinci bölümünün ilk kısmında Sartre’ın estetik saflık teorisine karşı eleştirisi incelenir. İkinci kısımda sanatın gelişimi ve insan özgürlüğü arasında bir bağ kurulur. Üçüncü kısımda edebiyat sanatının plastik sanatlardan farkı belirlenir. Dördüncü ve son kısımda dava edebiyatının anlamı tanımlanır.

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Bal, M. (0001). Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature. Archives of Philosophy, 0(50), 17-29.


Bal M. Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature. Archives of Philosophy. 0001;0(50):17-29.


Bal, M. Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature. Archives of Philosophy, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 50, p. 17-29, 0001.

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Bal, Metin,. 0001. “Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 50: 17-29.

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Bal, Metin,. Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature.” Archives of Philosophy 0, no. 50 (Feb. 2025): 17-29.

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Bal, M 0001, 'Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature', Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 50, pp. 17-29, viewed 5 Feb. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Bal, M. (0001) ‘Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature’, Archives of Philosophy, 0(50), pp. 17-29. (5 Feb. 2025).


Bal, Metin,. Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature.” Archives of Philosophy, vol. 0, no. 50, 0001, pp. 17-29. [Database Container],


Bal M. Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature. Archives of Philosophy [Internet]. 5 Feb. 2025 [cited 5 Feb. 2025];0(50):17-29. Available from: doi: 10.26650/arcp2019-589759


Bal, Metin. Sartre’s Existentialist Philosophy and Theory of Committed Literature”. Archives of Philosophy 0/50 (Feb. 2025): 17-29.


Last Revision12.05.2019


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