Sustainable Fashion Retailing: A Research on Consumer Perceptions
Şirin Gizem Köse, Kenan AydınThe intense competition among fashion retailers makes constant product renewal and keeping the minimum price level obligatory. However, the fact that fast fashion orientation is criticized because of using toxic chemicals, causing water pollution and textile waste increased the movement toward sustainability activities in the fashion industry. This study investigated consumers’ opinions on sustainable fashion with qualitative research. Consumers’ perceptions and knowledge on sustainability and sustainability in fashion were researched, how consumers shape their clothing purchases and disposal behaviors were examined, and consumers’ evaluations about fashion retailers that conduct sustainability activities and consumers’ purchase intention for these fashion retailers were questioned. The data was gathered from 31 participants through in-depth interviews and themes were obtained, and models were constructed about consumers’ perception of sustainable fashion, the effect of sustainable fashion activities on retailers’ image, and the sustainability effect on clothing purchasing and disposal. Research results show that consumers are aware of the adverse effects of the fashion industry, and they are conscious of their responsibility together with retailers. Furthermore, there is a lack of information regarding the content of sustainability activities and companies carrying out these activities. Consumers have favorable opinions on sustainable fashion retailing, and they think that sustainability activities support the fashion retailers’ image. In order to convert the positive opinions into purchase behavior, communication activities, not compromising quality, design, and having a fair price are important.
Sürdürülebilir Moda Perakendeciliği: Tüketici Algıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Şirin Gizem Köse, Kenan AydınModa perakendecileri arasındaki rekabet, sürekli ürün yenileme ve fiyatı en düşük seviyede tutma zorunluluğunu birlikte getirmektedir. Ancak bu anlayışın sonucu olan hızlı modanın, zehirli kimyasal kullanımına, su kirliliğine ve tekstil atıklarına sebep olmasından dolayı eleştirilmesi, moda sektöründe sürdürülebilirlik faaliyetlerinin önemini artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, sürdürülebilir modaya yönelik tüketici görüşleri nitel araştırma yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Yapılan araştırmada, tüketicilerin sürdürülebilirlik ve modada sürdürülebilirlik hakkındaki algıları ve bilgi düzeyleri araştırılmış, giysi satın alma ve elden çıkarma davranışlarının nasıl şekillendirdikleri incelenmiş, tüketicilerin moda sektöründe sürdürülebilirlik faaliyetlerinde bulunan moda perakendecilerine dair değerlendirmeleri ve satın alma niyetleri sorgulanmıştır. 31 kişi ile derinlemesine görüşme yöntemi ile toplanan veriler, temalar haline getirilmiş ve katılımcıların sürdürülebilirlik algısı, sürdürülebilir moda faaliyetlerinin perakendeci imajı üzerindeki etkileri ile giysi satın alma ve elden çıkarmada sürdürülebilirlik etkisine dair modeller oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, tüketiciler moda sektörünün olumsuz etkilerinin farkındadır. Tüketiciler, hızlı moda anlayışının getirdiği olumsuz etkileri azaltma konusunda perakendecilerle birlikte kendilerine düşen sorumluluğun da bilincindedir. Bununla birlikte tüketicilerde moda sektöründe sürdürülebilirlik faaliyetlerinin kapsamı ve bu faaliyetleri yapan şirketlerle ilgili bilgi eksikliği bulunmaktadır. Tüketiciler, sürdürülebilir moda perakendeciliği ile ilgili olumlu görüşlere sahiptir ve sürdürülebilirlik uygulamalarının moda perakendecilerinin imajını desteklediği görüşündedir. Bu olumlu görüşlerin satın almaya dönüşebilmesi için, iletişim faaliyetleri, kaliteden ödün verilmemesi, tasarım ve fiyatın uygun olması önem taşımaktadır.
The concern towards the adverse effects of fast fashion on the environment and people working in the industry has increased in recent years. The awareness of these effects has also increased consciousness in general. Nowadays, the negative effects of the fashion industry are recognized by producers, retailers and consumers. These movements have made the fashion industry take steps to be more sustainable.
The dynamic and complex nature of the fashion industry makes the markets change rapidly. The need for constant renewal requires the actors of the industry to be sensitive to changes. Retailers are specifically crucial for the supply chain since they are in front of this chain. Therefore, retailers play a more significant role in terms of sustainability in the fashion industry. Besides, integrating sustainability into practices also creates a sustainability culture. Therefore, the steps retailers take for sustainability have the potential to change consumption habits. The environmental, social and ethical changes that retailers face can be approached as value-creating opportunities. Researching how consumers perceive sustainable fashion retailing can help retailers, which are a bridge between consumers and producers, to pursue more conscious action plans. Furthermore, consumers play a significant role in the sustainability of the fashion industry with their adoption and consumption decisions. Hence, investigating consumers’ perspectives on sustainable fashion is fruitful for fashion companies, society, consumers and literature.
This study aims to investigate consumers' perceptions of sustainability in the fashion industry and to research how consumers evaluate sustainable fashion retailers. Another purpose accompanying these aims is to determine the effect of the sustainability concept on buying and disposing of clothes. In line with these purposes, this study analyzed consumers’ opinions on sustainable fashion and investigated how consumers position sustainability and fashion concepts in their minds. Furthermore, consumers’ purchase intentions for these fashion retailers were also questioned.
The study follows a qualitative approach to gain a better understanding of consumers’ perceptions. Therefore, the data were gathered from 31 participants through in-depth interviews. As a result of these interviews, themes were obtained, and models were constructed about the consumers’ perception of sustainable fashion, the effect of sustainable fashion activities on the retailers’ image, and the sustainability effect on clothing purchasing and disposal.
Research results show that consumers are aware of the adverse effects of the fashion industry, and they are conscious of their responsibility together with retailers. Although they have some doubts, the consumers think every little effort is necessary, and they claim that it is necessary to be involved in sustainability practices. It is crucial to specify that consumers are not just “ordinary consumers,” but they are an essential factor in this process. Fashion companies should show consumers their affecting power. Furthermore, there is a lack of information regarding the content of the sustainability activities and the companies carrying out these activities. When considering the importance of education for encouraging sustainable consumption, it is essential to disseminate information about not just purchasing clothes, but also the disposal of clothes. Furthermore, participants underlined that being interested in sustainability practices and buying sustainable materials make them feel good. Focusing on consumers’ emotions and targeting consumers that are interested in sustainability issues have the potential to make the movement toward sustainable fashion easier.
Consumers have favorable opinions on sustainable fashion retailing, and they think that sustainability actions support fashion retailers’ image. Sustainability practices also affect consumers’ trust in the retailer. Participants perceive the sustainable retailers as dynamic, sensitive and friendly. All of the participants indicated favorable judgments about the retailers that are engaged in sustainability practices. This point is noteworthy because consumers may approach the responsibility actions with doubts since they sometimes think these actions are, in fact, for the sake of the company. In order to convert the positive opinions into purchase behavior, communication activities, not compromising quality, design, and having a fair price are important.
In conclusion, fashion retailers can strengthen their brand image while creating unique target customers and a positioning strategy by emphasizing sustainability practices. The sustainable fashion concept can be a way of being distinctive in the competitive fashion industry. Together with these, this concept can be approached as a communication activity that is beneficial for society, consumers and companies.