Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iuitd.2024.1492594   IUP :10.26650/iuitd.2024.1492594    Full Text (PDF)

“Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History

Muhammed Enes Topgül

This paper argues that early ḥadīth compilations reflect theological debates among Islamic sects in the 2nd/8th and 3rd/9th centuries. In early Muslim society, each sect or group held distinctive opinions on controversial theological issues, such as free will versus predestination and the significance of the Companions. Each side defended its position using specific arguments. When the Qurʾān provided sufficient evidence to support their views, they used it; otherwise, they turned to the extensive ḥadīth compilations to bolster their doctrines. However, these collections did not always perfectly align with their needs, as they sometimes contained counter-narratives and unfavorable transmitters. In such cases, some narrators or traditionalists deliberately interfered with or falsified both the isnāds and the texts of the ḥadīths. It is possible to trace these manipulations in the ḥadīth books compiled during the 2nd/8th and 3rd/9th centuries. This paper aims to highlight examples of falsification in ḥadīth literature by using the method of comparison (muʿāraḍa) and to emphasize the possibility of identifying the transmitters responsible for these manipulations.

DOI :10.26650/iuitd.2024.1492594   IUP :10.26650/iuitd.2024.1492594    Full Text (PDF)

“Sakın Ondan Bahsetme!”: Erken İslam Tarihinde Muhaddisler ve Sansür

Muhammed Enes Topgül

Bu makale, erken dönemde derlenen hadis kitaplarının 2./8. ve 3./9. yüzyıllardaki mezhebî tartışmaları yansıttığını iddia etmektedir. Erken dönem Müslüman toplumunda her mezhep veya grup, özgür irade karşısında kader ve sahâbenin konumu/önemi gibi tartışmalı itikadi konularda farklı görüşlere sahipti. Taraflar kendi pozisyonunu belirli argümanlarla savunmuş, Kur’an ayetleri kendi görüşlerini desteklediğinde bunu yeterli görmüş; aksi takdirde, görüşlerine destek bulmak için kapsamlı hadis derlemelerine başvurmuşlardı. Ancak kendi görüşlerini desteklemeyen rivayetler de içeren bu eserler onların ihtiyaçlarına her zaman tam olarak cevap vermemişti. İlgili kitaplar kendi kabulleri ile uyuşmayan nakiller içerdiğinde, bazı râviler/ muhaddisler hadislerin isnâd ve metinleri üzerinde tasarruflarda bulunarak bunları sansüre tabi tutabilmişlerdir. Çok yaygın olmadığı anlaşılan bu gibi uygulamaların izi 2./8. ve 3./9. asırlarda derlenen hadis kitaplarında sürülebilmektedir. Bu makale, muâraza yöntemi ile hadis literatüründeki bazı sansür örneklerini göstermenin ve bunlardan sorumlu olan râvileri tespit etmenin imkânını araştırmaktadır. 

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Topgül, M.E. (2024). “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History. Journal of Islamic Review, 14(2), 385-411.


Topgül M E. “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History. Journal of Islamic Review. 2024;14(2):385-411.


Topgül, M.E. “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History. Journal of Islamic Review, [Publisher Location], v. 14, n. 2, p. 385-411, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Topgül, Muhammed Enes,. 2024. ““Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History.” Journal of Islamic Review 14, no. 2: 385-411.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Topgül, Muhammed Enes,. “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History.” Journal of Islamic Review 14, no. 2 (Feb. 2025): 385-411.

Harvard: Australian Style

Topgül, ME 2024, '“Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History', Journal of Islamic Review, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 385-411, viewed 5 Feb. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Topgül, M.E. (2024) ‘“Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History’, Journal of Islamic Review, 14(2), pp. 385-411. (5 Feb. 2025).


Topgül, Muhammed Enes,. “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History.” Journal of Islamic Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2024, pp. 385-411. [Database Container],


Topgül ME. “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History. Journal of Islamic Review [Internet]. 5 Feb. 2025 [cited 5 Feb. 2025];14(2):385-411. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuitd.2024.1492594


Topgül, MuhammedEnes. “Don’t You Ever Say a Word About Him!”: Ḥadīth Scholars and Censorship in Early Islamic History”. Journal of Islamic Review 14/2 (Feb. 2025): 385-411.


Published Online27.09.2024


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