
DOI :10.26650/ihid.19.006   IUP :10.26650/ihid.19.006    Full Text (PDF)

SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character

Fabrice MellerayHalim Alperen Çıtak

While twenty-five years ago the Dean Georges Vedel pleaded for a questioning of the jurisprudential character of administrative law in order to make it less hermetic and more accessible, administrative law is now becoming less and less jurisprudential, in particular under the effect of the current policy known as the simplification of the law. But, unfortunately it is becoming more and more secret...

DOI :10.26650/ihid.19.006   IUP :10.26650/ihid.19.006    Full Text (PDF)

İDARE HUKUKU YENİDEN İÇTİHADÎ Mİ OLMALI? İçtihadîliğin Paradoksal Zayıflayışı Hakkında Mülâhazalar

Fabrice MellerayHalim Alperen Çıtak

Yirmi beş yıl önce, Dekan Georges Vedel, idare hukukunun içtihadî karakterinin sorgulanmasını, onu daha az esrarlı ve daha ulaşılabilir kılmak için savunmuştu. Bundan sonra idare hukuku, bilhassa hukuku sadeleştirme siyasetinin etkisi altında, giderek daha az içtihadî hâle geldi. Fakat maalesef, gittikçe daha esrarengizleşerek…

DOI :10.26650/ihid.19.006   IUP :10.26650/ihid.19.006    Full Text (PDF)

LE DROIT ADMINISTRATIF DOIT-IL REDEVENIR JURISPRUDENTIEL ? Remarques sur le déclin paradoxal de son caractère jurisprudentiel

Fabrice MellerayHalim Alperen Çıtak

Alors qu’il y a vingt-cinq ans le doyen Georges Vedel plaidait pour une remise en cause du caractère jurisprudentiel du droit administratif afin de le rendre moins hermétique, plus accessible, le droit administratif est désormais de moins en moins jurisprudentiel, notamment sous l’effet de la politique actuelle dite de simplification du droit. Mais il est pourtant malheureusement de plus en plus secret...

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    Melleray, F., & Çıtak, H.A. (2020). SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(19), 115-130.


    Melleray F, Çıtak H A. SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences. 2020;0(19):115-130.


    Melleray, F.; Çıtak, H.A. SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 19, p. 115-130, 2020.

    Chicago: Author-Date Style

    Melleray, Fabrice, and Halim Alperen Çıtak. 2020. “SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 19: 115-130.

    Chicago: Humanities Style

    Melleray, Fabrice, and Halim Alperen Çıtak. SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 19 (Apr. 2024): 115-130.

    Harvard: Australian Style

    Melleray, F & Çıtak, HA 2020, 'SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character', Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 19, pp. 115-130, viewed 20 Apr. 2024,

    Harvard: Author-Date Style

    Melleray, F. and Çıtak, H.A. (2020) ‘SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character’, Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(19), pp. 115-130. (20 Apr. 2024).


    Melleray, Fabrice, and Halim Alperen Çıtak. SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 19, 2020, pp. 115-130. [Database Container],


    Melleray F, Çıtak HA. SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences [Internet]. 20 Apr. 2024 [cited 20 Apr. 2024];0(19):115-130. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ihid.19.006


    Melleray, Fabrice - Çıtak, HalimAlperen. SHOULD ADMINISTRATIVE LAW BECOME JURISPRUDENTIAL AGAIN? Remarks on the paradoxical decline of its jurisprudential character”. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0/19 (Apr. 2024): 115-130.


    Published Online30.12.2020


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