Research Article

The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey

Mehtap HamzaoğluEmrah Konuralp

‘Honour killing’ is one of the most extreme practices of violence against women and it is frequently seen in traditional segments of societies. Without analysing the phenomenon of ‘honour’ being the determinant of this noun phrase, ‘honour killing’ cannot be understood or explained. In this work, explanations of gender through biological reductionism and assertion that differences among sexes stem from the nature are rejected as they leave historical and social aspects to the secondary position. With this inclination, in this work, honour killings in Turkey are examined together with the phenomenon of honour; and the developments both in Turkey and in the international arena to put an end to honour killings, as one of the most important components of struggling against gender inequality and of realisation of women’s human rights, are evaluated. It is concluded in this article that in order for overcoming gender inequalities and femicides in the name of honour or of other reasons, besides legal regulations, it is necessary to realise a revolution in the universal mentality humankind by changing the gender of the power. 

Geleneksel Toplumlarda Namus Olgusu ve Namus Cinayeti: Türkiye Örneği

Mehtap HamzaoğluEmrah Konuralp

Toplumların geleneksel kesimlerinde sıklıkla görülen ve ‘namus cinayeti’ olarak adlandırılan kadına yönelik şiddetin bu en uç uygulaması, bu adlandırmanın tamlayanı olan ‘namus’ olgusu analiz edilmeden anlaşılamaz ya da açıklanamaz. Toplumsal cinsiyeti biyolojik indirgemecilikle ve cinsiyetler arasındaki farklılıkların doğadan kaynaklanması iddiasıyla açıklayan ve toplumsal cinsiyetin tarihsel ve toplumsal yönünü ikincil planda bırakan bir anlayışın reddedildiği bu çalışmada, namus olgusuyla birlikte Türkiye örneği üzerinden namus cinayetleri ele alınmış; kadının insan haklarının gerçeklik kazanmasının ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğiyle mücadelenin en önemli bileşenlerinden biri olan namus cinayetlerini sonlandırma konusunda hem Türkiye’deki hem de uluslararası arenadaki gelişmeler değerlendirilmiştir. Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğini gidermek, namus ve diğer sebeplerle işlenen kadın cinayetlerinin önüne geçmek için hukuki düzenlemelerin tek başına yeterli olamayacağından hareket edilen bu makalede, evrensel düzlemde bir önlem olarak bir zihniyet devrimi gerçekleştirilerek iktidarın cinsiyetinin değiştirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. 

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Hamzaoğlu, M., & Konuralp, E. (0001). The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, 0(18), 51-65.


Hamzaoğlu M, Konuralp E. The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies. 0001;0(18):51-65.


Hamzaoğlu, M.; Konuralp, E. The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 18, p. 51-65, 0001.

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Hamzaoğlu, Mehtap, and Emrah Konuralp. 0001. “The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey.” Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies 0, no. 18: 51-65.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Hamzaoğlu, Mehtap, and Emrah Konuralp. The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey.” Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies 0, no. 18 (Dec. 2024): 51-65.

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Hamzaoğlu, M & Konuralp, E 0001, 'The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey', Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, vol. 0, no. 18, pp. 51-65, viewed 23 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Hamzaoğlu, M. and Konuralp, E. (0001) ‘The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey’, Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, 0(18), pp. 51-65. (23 Dec. 2024).


Hamzaoğlu, Mehtap, and Emrah Konuralp. The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey.” Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies, vol. 0, no. 18, 0001, pp. 51-65. [Database Container],


Hamzaoğlu M, Konuralp E. The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies [Internet]. 23 Dec. 2024 [cited 23 Dec. 2024];0(18):51-65. Available from: doi: null


Hamzaoğlu, Mehtap - Konuralp, Emrah. The Phenomenon of Honour and Honour Killing in Traditional Societies: The Example of Turkey”. Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies 0/18 (Dec. 2024): 51-65.



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