Emine Temel AlemdarPronouns are brought about in a sentence where animate or inanimate objects along with events, phenomena and states are referred indirectly via certain representative nouns. Pronouns are the sort of nouns that contribute to vocabulary practicality in a language by preventing monotonous tellings in such a way that they refer towards or group of words and integrate their entire class of inflectional suffixes to themselves.
Having been evaluated under the title of pronouns in most research despite of differing in their functions, a reflexive pronoun functions by repetition as a reinforcement either of a subject who acts or of whom is acted upon in a course of event and features the concept of subject. Unlike other pronouns, reflexive pronouns do not refer to every kind of animate or inanimate objects; they rather put an emphasis on the referential concept along with only personal nouns and reinforce the semantic content of the reference.In this context, we come up with the reflexive pronouns such as “öz (self), kendi (own)”.
In this article, we will be dealing with the lexical bundles containing “öz (self)” in Pre-Classical and Classical Period Eastern Turkish poetic and prosaic sources by classifying them with regard to their structure and functionality. We will rely on the doctoral thesis laid out by us in 2018, Lexical Bundles and Sentence in the Eastern Turkish (14th-16th centuries).
Emine Temel AlemdarBir cümlede canlı ve cansız varlıklar ve nesneler ile olay, olgu ve durumların doğrudan ifade edilmeyip temsilleri ile işaret edildiği durumlarda zamirler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Zamirler, isim türündeki sözcük veya sözcük öbeklerinin yerine kullanılarak onları karşılayan ve o sözcüklerin aldığı tüm isim çekim eklerini bünyesine dâhil ederek genişleyebilen, cümlede oluşabilecek tekrarlı anlatımlara engel olarak dildeki sözcük kullanışlılığına katkı sağlayan sözcük türlerindendir.
Çoğu çalışmada zamir başlığı altında değerlendirilen ama diğer zamirlerden farklı bir fonksiyona sahip olan dönüşlülük zamirleri ise işi yapan veya işten etkilenen şahsı, pekiştirmek vasfıyla tekrarlayan ve şahıs kavramını ön plâna çıkaran bir zamir çeşididir. Dönüşlülük zamirleri, diğer zamirler gibi canlı veya cansız her türdeki ismin yerini tutmaz, bu isimlerden sadece şahıs isimleri ile birlikte kullanılarak o ismin karşıladığı kavrama altını çizmek suretiyle vurgu yapar ve o kavramın karşıladığı manaya güç katar. Bu zamir çeşidini temsil etmek üzere karşımıza “öz, kendi” sözcükleri çıkmaktadır.
Bu makalede Klasik öncesi ve Klasik dönem Doğu Türkçesi manzum ve mensur eserlerde tespit edilen ve “öz” ile kurulan sözcük öbekleri, yapılarına ve görevlerine göre tasnif edilmek suretiyle incelenecektir. Bu çalışmada kaynak olarak 2018 yılında tarafımızca yapılan Doğu Türkçesi (14.-16. yüzyıl) Cümle ve Sözcük Öbekleri adlı doktora tezi esas alınacaktır.
Pronouns are the type of words that can represent any concept or ontic object referring to any kind in noun form, and that can replace them. Pronouns are few in quantity with regard to its property of representativeness. Pronouns are also of those kinds which don’t have the potential for extentionality like other nouns by making a derivational affix, having a structure peculiar to themselves and cannot be borrowed from other languages. Therefore, any language has its peculiar set of pronouns. They also contain reflexive pronouns that differ from others in certain respects. These pronouns are dealt with under the title of personal pronouns and considered to be reinforced form of personal pronouns. The subject who acts or is acted upon by a certain course of event/ state is repeated for the second time via these pronouns. Hence, reflexive pronouns are those personal pronouns that represent the actions reflected back upon the subject and reinforce the semantic content of the subjects.
We come up with two kinds of pronouns in the course of Turkish linguistic history, which can be classified as reflexive pronouns: kendi (<kentü~kensi) ~ kendözi (kendü öz+i) and öz. In this article, we will dwell on the lexical bundles of the concept of öz (self/essence) that we come up with in Eastern Turkish and is not always used in pronoun form.
Having started to develop since the 15th century, Eastern Turkish (second half of the 14th century - beginning of the 20th century) that we began to evaluate under the Period of Middle Turkish (11th - 16th century) ascended to the status of official written language at the political stability era of Timur and also led by Alî Şîr Nevâyî; and it began to be classified as the New Turkish Period (16th - 20th century). Beginning to be the official written language in Eastern Turkic areas since then, Eastern Turkish continued to be so until the end of the 19th century, however it decentralized into local literary languages because a set of political reasons after this century, and each tribe implement its own policy of language.
In this study, we will rely on the doctoral thesis laid out by us in 2018, Lexical Bundles ans Sentence in the Eastern Turkish (14th - 16th centuries). In this thesis, we examined a great deal of lexical bundles and phrases that are obtained from prosaic and poetic 17 works in both Pre-Classical Era (14th - 16th century) and Post-Classical Era. Among the lexical bundles, the structures whose elements are obtained from any lexical bundle are also went around. Accordingly, we priorily went around the words öz within lexical bundles and secondly examined and endeavoured to give an analysis of the individual uses of those words.
In the Eastern Turkish sources that have been scanned so far, 70 lexical bundles containing öz are identified. In this article, we did not open up space for those which are repititive of each other with regard to their formation, but rather we focused on picking out various uses of them from a variety of sources. We detected in the scanned sources that the word öz has three different functions and it is contained in eight different lexical bundles (possessive bundle lacking determinative, possessive construction, indefinite construction, prepositional phrase, adjective clause, conjuctive clause, compound verb clause, disjunctive clause). The main function of the word öz is to reinforce the personal pronoun that it is attached to via defining its 2nd/3rd person singular/plural content. The second function of it is to contribute to the constitution of a lexical bundle by either acquiring genitive suffix or possessive suffix or solely in its full form. Thirdly and lastly, it functions to constitute a lexical bundle independently, all on its own.
The word öz is considered as a noun or adjective in its original form whereas it becomes a pronoun on acquiring a possessive suffix. Showing up in a variety of types, the word öz can function in many ways such as an object, verb or adverbial clause. It engages in the functions of a sentence; sometimes individually in first-order level, or as a component of lexical bundle which is in the second-order level.
In this article, we will try to show that the concept öz that is come up with in Eastern Turkish period sources had some other functions other than those generally know “reinforcing” functions and it had determinative roles especially in constituting the lexical bundles.