Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651063   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651063    Full Text (PDF)

A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach

Esra Kürüm

Mehmet Murad is one of the most important intellectual and statesman of Tanzimat Reform Era. The condition of the country pushed him to find and suggest solutions for the society, as it pushed the intellectuals of the area. For this, he published Mîzan newspaper for a long period of time, despite the preventions of the government and issued his writings. He mainly voiced his political opinions in these writings. In his serial articles in which he uttered his literary opinions, he made criticisms. He stated his opinions on the previous and current situation of Turkish literature. In addition to this, he explained how the literature should be by giving examples from Western literature. According to him, literature should carry a national identity. According to this approach which he named as morality of literature, writers should create ideal role models that would lead the society to decency. The name of the single-written drama which was written by Mehmed Murad for the application of literature approach was “Tencere Yuvarlandı Kapağını Buldu” was not adapted into our current alphabet and it was hardly ever examined. This work which is a four-act comedy discusses the subject of marriage which is a social subject. Mehmet Murad tries to convert his message to the society on the equation of right and wrong through ideal and protagonist characters that he fictionalized in the work.

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651063   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651063    Full Text (PDF)

Mizancı Murad’ın Unutulmuş Bir Eseri ve Edebiyat-ı Ahlâkiye Anlayışı Üzerine

Esra Kürüm

Mîzancı Murad, Tanzimat Dönemi’nin en önemli fikir, devlet adamlarından biridir. Ülkenin içinde bulunduğu durum devrin bütün aydınları gibi onu da çareler düşünmeye ve önermeye toplum için çabalamaya itmiştir. Bunun için iktidarın engellemelerine rağmen uzun bir süre Mîzan gazetesini çıkarmış, burada yazılarını neşretmiştir. Bu yazılarda özellikle siyasi görüşlerini dile getirmiştir. Edebi görüşlerini dile getirdiği seri makalelerinde ise eser tenkidi yapmıştır. Edebiyatımızın dünü ve bugünü hakkındaki görüşlerini sıralamıştır. Bununla birlikte edebiyatın nasıl olması gerektiğini de Batı’dan örnekler vererek açıklamıştır. Ona göre edebiyat millî bir karakter taşımalıdır. Edebiyat-ı ahlâkiye adını verdiği bu anlayışa göre yazarlar toplumu iyiye yöneltecek ideal rol modeller yaratmalıdır.

Mîzancı Murad’ın edebiyat anlayışının uygulaması olmak üzere kaleme aldığı tek telif tiyatro eseri bugüne kadar günümüz alfabesine uyarlanmamış ve üzerine neredeyse hiç çalışılmamış bir eser olan Tencere Yuvarlandı Kapağını Buldu adlı eseridir. Dört perdelik bir komedi olan bu eser, toplumsal bir konu olan evlilik konusunu ele almaktadır. Murad Bey, eserde kurguladığı ideal ve karşıt karakterler vasıtasıyla doğru ve yanlış denklemi üzerinden mesajını topluma ulaştırmaya çalışır.


Mehmet Murad was born in 1854 in Dagestan. He completed his primary education in Dagestan and his high-school education in Russia. Due to the oppression of Russians that he was exposed to since his childhood, he went to Istanbul in 1873 in order to serve the Khalifa and Islam. When he first came to Istanbul, he introduced himself in French since he did not know Turkish and presented his condition by meeting with Mithat Pasha. With the sponsorship of Mithat Pasha, he was assigned to report the news which is summarized in French by following the Russian media to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also served as a teacher of Law and in Teachers’ Training School for Boys and performed various tasks of the state. He started to publish Mîzan newspaper in 1886. Mîzan newspaper which was published at intervals and in abroad for a while was an important platform in which Mehmet Murad voiced his opinions and suggestions on political, economic, literary, etc. Mehmet Murad is mostly known with his political identity in his time but he mainly uttered the problems that he observed in political and social life as an intellectual of the time in newspaper columns with his literary identity and wording. In addition to this, he also benefited from literature which was regarded as enlightening at that time. Furthermore, he wrote articles on literary criticism, stated his opinions on some of the works with criticism and even created literary works in which he reflected his poetic manner. Mehmet Murad mentioned his opinions on literary criticism with 18-series of article titled as “Üdebamızın Numune-i İmtisalleri” which were published in Mîzan newspaper and also in some of the literary writings and in the “İfade-i Mahsusa” part of his novel. According to him, literature is a reflection of society. This situation gives an important mission to the littérateurs. The most important aspect of literature which can be exploited by the public is the moral of literature. That is, the aspect of literature which supervises the moral and social rules and serves to improve these. However, according to Mehmet Murad, the least developed aspect of literature for us is this aspect, moral of literature. Mehmet Murad explains the general characteristics of novels and dramas that reflect the moral of literature by stating that the examples of the literary approach which he named as the moral of literature were given as novels and dramas in Western literature. The littérateurs of the area created social characters that are outstanding, epitomic and has talents in heroism and patriotism in their novels and dramas. According to Mehmet Murad, the plot of work should be realistic and natural. In addition to this, it should be appropriate to social moral rules, national culture and the nature of the sense. The work should comply with the real, but it is not enough. In order for the work  to be regarded as a literary work, it should completely comply with the rules and methods of rhetoric. In addition to this, subjects that would revive national feelings, evoke real life, motivate good behaviors and remove bad behaviors should be chosen.

Positive characters in his novel and drama are ideal characters which have a stance against life with honesty and social ethics. He provides the opportunity for literature to serve to social moral either by including these characters in his works and make the reader envy or include negative characters and make the reader disgust. Mehmet Murad examined the effect of literature on society with Western examples. For this reason, the talent of the writer should be directly proportionate to the correction effect that the writer can carry out in social moral. Talent is attracting attention to the malignancies which escape from the attention of everyone by revealing them effectively, to give up to the correction of connoisseur's benevolence by compiling the problems that were secretly rooted in the moral and customary rules of society to evoke the "noble opinion" by leading everyone to the desired by making them envy and implementing hate to the malignancies and undesired.

“Tencere Yuvarlandı Kapağını Buldu” is the first drama of Mehmet Murad. The work which was published in 1326/1908 in Istanbul is a 4-act comedy. The most conspicuous characteristic of the work is the statement that was expressed after the writer introduces the names, “Although the names are foreign, the main issue is local.” This situation is to prevent the criticisms that might be made on the most sensitive subject of the writer. Because the author did not give any information on this subject on his subsequent writings. The point which is touched upon the most in the criticisms of the writer is the disorderly conduct against national morality, customs and Islamic rules. In a Western-style work in which the subject is marriage, it is necessary for women and men to come together or to mention situations that can be considered as illegitimate for the writer to reach his purpose. Whereas, it would be unreal for characters who live by the Islamic rules to experience situations that would arise conflict. It would make Mehmet Murat the target on the subject that he criticizes. This approach in his drama is quite appropriate with the poetic approach of Mehmet Murad.

The subject of the work is prearranged marriages which is the subject of several dramas of the era. However, he brings a different perspective from the work of Şinasi which is Şair Evlenmesi. Although Mehmet Murad chose marriage as a subject, the message he wants to give is different. While Şinasi draws attention to the problems that may arise from prearranged marriages, Mehmet Murad wants to draw attention to the error of marriages that would be made without taking into consideration the social moral, national and moral values or marriages that would be made for interest. However, the common points of these works are that they draw attention to social corruptions and the subject is smoothed over at the end of the incident. Şair Evlenmesi tries to give its message on the element of humor. However, the element of humor is scarce in Tencere Yuvarlandı Kapağını Buldu. The writer attempts to force literature to serve for moral in each opportunity through monologues and dialogs. 

The plot summary of the play is as follows. Monsieur and Madam Loan are the parents of Mademoiselle Mari. There is a candidate for Mademoiselle by the name of Ernest Lömon. This young man who is a prodigal wants to marry because he knows the disposition of his chief in his workplace to the young women, that is, the wives of his employees and wants to be promoted. Nobody finds it appropriate for Mari and Ernest to marry, except for her mother and her cousin Sofi. Her prudent father approves an architect by the name of Vayan for his daughter. However, they have a dispute between them that arises from their occupation. This dispute is resolved at the end of the play as well. In the end, everyone decides to marry the person they desire to. 

Mehmet Murad, who stated his theoretical opinions on literature with series of articles titled as “Üdebamızın Numune-i İmtisalleri” in Mîzan newspaper, tried to put this into practice through two of his works. In both of his works, he is moved by the idea that the literature should serve to reform and improve the social moral. This situation required to fictionalize ideal characters in both of his works. Mehmet Murad desires the society and the country to be composed of the prototypes he created in his work in the future. Thus he would serve to his country, Islam and his people with his pen as an intellectual. 

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Kürüm, E. (2019). A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach. Journal of Turkology, 29(2), 455-484.


Kürüm E. A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach. Journal of Turkology. 2019;29(2):455-484.


Kürüm, E. A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach. Journal of Turkology, [Publisher Location], v. 29, n. 2, p. 455-484, 2019.

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Kürüm, Esra,. 2019. “A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach.” Journal of Turkology 29, no. 2: 455-484.

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Kürüm, Esra,. A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach.” Journal of Turkology 29, no. 2 (Dec. 2024): 455-484.

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Kürüm, E 2019, 'A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach', Journal of Turkology, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 455-484, viewed 23 Dec. 2024,

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Kürüm, E. (2019) ‘A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach’, Journal of Turkology, 29(2), pp. 455-484. (23 Dec. 2024).


Kürüm, Esra,. A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach.” Journal of Turkology, vol. 29, no. 2, 2019, pp. 455-484. [Database Container],


Kürüm E. A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach. Journal of Turkology [Internet]. 23 Dec. 2024 [cited 23 Dec. 2024];29(2):455-484. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.651063


Kürüm, Esra. A Forgotten Work of Mehmed Murad and on The Morality of Literature Approach”. Journal of Turkology 29/2 (Dec. 2024): 455-484.


Published Online26.11.2019


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