Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility
Terence Seedsman, Nilüfer Korkmaz Yaylagül, Aslı Gözde AkışCountries worldwide are now facing a multitude of challenges emanating from population aging, along with increases in human longevity. This demographic transition to older populations globally has created interest in the concept of aging well, with implications for a reconceptualization of the life course. In this study, insights, perspectives, and research findings surrounding human flourishing, social connectedness, and sense of meaningfulness are introduced for the purpose of drawing attention to their respective associations either independently or collectively with aging well. This study by way of a random search of the literature, provides contemporary insights for building a knowledge platform centered on aging well. Societal aspirations for promoting aging well will require a priority focus that promotes the adoption of healthy lifestyles across all ages. To apprehend and confront the challenges surrounding aging well will require new forms of communication and partnership undertakings involving the government, policymakers, health professionals, the general public and especially people destined to live into older age. Consequently, a deeper understanding of aging well and its promotion throughout the life course is urgently needed, including the existential aspects of aging well and the social, political, economic, and environmental forces that influence the level of health and well-being of people.
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Seedsman, T., Yaylagül, N.K., & Gözde Akış, A. (2024). Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(70), 227-241.
Seedsman T, Yaylagül N K, Gözde Akış A. Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2024;0(70):227-241.
Seedsman, T.; Yaylagül, N.K.; Gözde Akış, A. Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 70, p. 227-241, 2024.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Seedsman, Terence, and Nilüfer Korkmaz Yaylagül and Aslı Gözde Akış. 2024. “Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 70: 227-241.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Seedsman, Terence, and Nilüfer Korkmaz Yaylagül and Aslı Gözde Akış. “Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0, no. 70 (Mar. 2025): 227-241.
Harvard: Australian Style
Seedsman, T & Yaylagül, NK & Gözde Akış, A 2024, 'Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility', Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 70, pp. 227-241, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Seedsman, T. and Yaylagül, N.K. and Gözde Akış, A. (2024) ‘Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility’, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, 0(70), pp. 227-241. (10 Mar. 2025).
Seedsman, Terence, and Nilüfer Korkmaz Yaylagül and Aslı Gözde Akış. “Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility.” Journal of Economy Culture and Society, vol. 0, no. 70, 2024, pp. 227-241. [Database Container],
Seedsman T, Yaylagül NK, Gözde Akış A. Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility. Journal of Economy Culture and Society [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(70):227-241. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JECS2024-1466636
Seedsman, Terence - Yaylagül, NilüferKorkmaz - Gözde Akış, Aslı. “Aging Well and the Intersection of Flourishing, Connectedness, and Sense of Meaningfulness in a Changing World: Implications for Personal and Societal Responsibility”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 0/70 (Mar. 2025): 227-241.