

Turgay Gökgöz

Our study focuses on Zubdat al-Amsâl, one of the two known works of 17th century scholar Mustafa bin Ibrahim of Gallipoli. Our aim is to introduce this work on the proverbs to the academic world and to contribute to the studies regarding the proverbs, which recently started to attract attention especially at international congresses and symposiums. Our study regarding the Arabic proverbs comprises of an introduction and four main sections. In introduction we sought to give broad information about the proverb. In the first section we sought to give information about the author Mustafa bin Ibrahim of Gallipoli, his life, works and literary personality. In the second section we sought to give information about the work, namely Zubdat al-Amsâl. In the third section we have described the method, trough which Mustafa bin Ibrahim of Gallipoli has established the text, and of the work. Finally in the last section the features of the work is given.


Turgay Gökgöz

Çalışmamız XVII. yüzyılda yaşamış Osmanlı âlimlerinden biri olan Gelibolulu Mustafa bin İbrahim’in tespit edebildiğimiz iki eserinden biri olan Zubdetu’l-Emsâl’e dairdir. Amacımız, atasözleri ile alakalı bu eseri bilim dünyasına tanıtmak ve özellikle son dönemlerde uluslararası kongrelerde ve sempozyumlarda ilgi çekmeye başlayan atasözlerine ilişkin çalışmalara bir nebze de olsa katkıda bulunmaktır. Arap atasözleri ile ilgili olan çalışmamız, giriş ve dört ana bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Giriş kısmında mesele dair geniş bir şekilde bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Birinci bölümde müellifimiz olan Gelibolulu Mustafa bin İbrahim‘in hayatı, eserleri ve edebi şahsiyetine yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise Zubdetu’l-Emsâl adlı eser hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde de Gelibolulu Mustafa bin İbrahim‘in eserinde takip ettiği metoda yer verilirken dördüncü bölümde ise nüshaların tavsifi verilmiştir.


When we look at the manuscript about the proverbs in Ottoman era, we see that the number of works is quite few. For that reason, the Zubdetu’l-emsâl by Gelibolulu Mustafa b. İbrahim is very important with regard to proverbs. In this article I tried to introduce Gelibolulu Mustafa b. İbrahim as much as possible, by providing information about his life, literary personality and works. I also gave some information about other scholars mentioned in his work. In addition to that, I also included his methodology and the characteristics of his work. The author was born as Mustafa b. İbrâhîm, as for his date of birth there is no record in any source. He is known with cognomen Gelibolulu since he is born in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) township of Çanakkale. Besides this he is also known as Hanefî, Nakşibendî ve Türkî. Having studied in İstanbul, Gelibolulu Mustafa b. İbrahim spent his life in Biga, where he published his works and raised many students as a madrasah scholar. The records show that he died in 1024th year of the Hegira (1615 A.D.) and was buried in the village of Kutluoba in the township of Bayramiç in Çanakkale. When we analyze remaining two works of the author, we see that in addition to being a linguist and literary person he was also learned in study of hadith. His Tuhfetu’l-‘avâmil, one of the best known explanations on “avâmil”, shows us that the author has knowledge about “nahiv” and even made additions in his explanatory notes. In addition to that, we should note that this work was used as study material in Ottoman madrasahs, published many times and sought out by the students a lot. Another work of the author is called Zubdetu’l-emsâl. This work proves that the author has knowledge about the proverbs. The author added hadiths at the beginning of each chapter to mark the chapters. This hints us that he is interested in study of hadith as well. The analysis of each chapter of this work shows us that the author has mentioned issues such as ethics, oration, science, poetry, human relations, society, individualism, richness, poorness, and patience and provided first hadiths then proverbs on these themes. This is an indication of his vast knowledge in various disciplines.

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Gökgöz, T. (2018). MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL. Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(32), 129-150.


Gökgöz T. MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL. Journal of Oriental Studies. 2018;0(32):129-150.


Gökgöz, T. MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL. Journal of Oriental Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 32, p. 129-150, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Gökgöz, Turgay,. 2018. “MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 32: 129-150.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Gökgöz, Turgay,. MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 32 (Mar. 2025): 129-150.

Harvard: Australian Style

Gökgöz, T 2018, 'MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL', Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, pp. 129-150, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Gökgöz, T. (2018) ‘MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL’, Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(32), pp. 129-150. (10 Mar. 2025).


Gökgöz, Turgay,. MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL.” Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, 2018, pp. 129-150. [Database Container],


Gökgöz T. MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL. Journal of Oriental Studies [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(32):129-150. Available from: doi: null


Gökgöz, Turgay. MUSTAFA BIN IBRAHIM OF GALLIPOLI AND HIS WORK NAMED ZUBDAT AL-AMSAL”. Journal of Oriental Studies 0/32 (Mar. 2025): 129-150.


Published Online03.10.2018


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