Serpil YıldırımIn this study, a poem work named Tarikh-e Al-e Osmani, of which only one copy exists, by the poet Saeli-ye Shirazi, who was one of the Iranian poets of XVI century, is analyzed. This work of Saeli is similar to Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh in terms of verse form and meter and the material used in the two works is almost the same. Legendary heroes, mythological elements, and some of the compositions that make up the framework of Shahnameh are also seen in Saeili’s work with similar narratives. However, these two works are different from each other; one is a national epic that tells the history of Iran from prehistoric times to the Arabian invasion, and the other is a verse history of the life of only one ruler and the wars he has made. The framework of our study, the wars and heroism of the period of the Ottoman Empire will be described in this epic manuscript called Tarikh-e Al-e Osmani will constitute a large-scale presentation. Firstly, we will give brief information about Tavarikh-e Al-e Osman / Tarikh-e Al-e Osman printing, which is a common tradition of the period. Then, the subject and the nature of the work in question will be mentioned and the historical significance of it will be mentioned. The course will determine the historical sources of the work which will be determined according to the determined sources and the separated aspects. Finally, it will be informed about the copy features of the work, of which only one copy exists.
Serpil YıldırımBu çalışmada, XVI. Yüzyıl İran şairlerinden Sâʾilî-i Şîrâzî’nin, tek nüshasına ulaşabildiğimiz Târîḫ-i Âl-i ʿOs̱mânî adındaki manzum eseri üzerinde duracağız. Sâʾilî’nin bu eseri, nazım şekli ve vezin bakımından Firdevsî’nin Şâhnâme’siyle benzerlik gösterdiği gibi kullanılan unsurlar da hemen hemen aynıdır. Şâhnâme’nin çatısını oluşturan efsanevî kahramanlar, mitolojik unsurlar ve bazı terkipler benzer anlatımlarla Sâʾilî’nin eserinde de karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Oysaki bu iki eserin konusu birbirinden farklı olup, birisi tarih öncesi zamanlardan başlayıp Arap istilasına kadar gelen İran tarihini anlatan ulusal bir destan, diğeri ise yalnızca bir hükümdarın hayatının ve yaptığı savaşların anlatıldığı manzum bir tarihtir. Çalışmamızın çatısını, Osman Gazi dönemi savaşlarının ve kahramanlıklarının anlatıldığı bu Târîḫ-i Âl-i ʿOs̱mânî adlı epik manzumenin geniş çaplı tanıtımı oluşturacaktır. Öncelikle dönemin yaygın geleneği olan Tevârîḫ-i Âl-i ‘Os̱mân/ Târîḫ-i Âl-i ʿOs̱mân yazıcılığı hakkında kısaca bilgi verilecektir. Daha sonra söz konusu eserin konu ve mahiyetine değinilecek ve haiz olduğu tarihi önemi belirtilecektir. Konu ve muhtevasından hareketle tarihi kaynakları belirlenecek olan eserin, belirlenen kaynaklar ile benzeyen ve ayrılan yönleri tespit edilecektir. Son olarak ise tek nüshasına ulaşabildiğimiz eserin nüsha özellikleri hakkında bilgi verilecektir.
In this study, a poem work named Tarikh-e Al-e Osmani, of which only one copy exists, by the poet Saeli-ye Shirazi, who was one of the poets of XVI century, is analyzed. This work, along with being an epic poem about Osman Ghazi-era wars and heroism, is also important in philosophical, moral and educational aspects that stand out in some parts of the work.
This work of Saeli is similar to Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh in terms of verse form and meter and the material used in the two works is almost the same. Legendary heroes, mythological elements, and some of the compositions that make up the framework of Shahnameh are also seen in Saeili’s work with similar narratives. However, these two works are different from each other; one is a national epic that tells the history of Iran from prehistoric times to the Arabian invasion, and the other is a verse history of the life of only one ruler and the wars he has made. When we compare Saeli’s Tarikh-e Al-e Osmani with other works of this kind, we can easily say that the work is an important masnavi in terms of both the language and the content, not shadowed by another work but has its own style.
Saeli is a poet who came to Anatolia during the reign of Bayezid II and observed the periods of Selim the Resolute and Suleiman the Magnificent upon his death. There is not much information about his life before coming to Anatolia, except for his detailed statements in the preamble of his Diwan (collected poems) and in the Tarikh-e Al-e Osmani. The limited number of works that give information about his life are also written in Anatolia. Only Logat-name, Ferhang-i Sokhanvaran and Az-Zaree’a mentioned Saeli’ among the tezkires (collection of biographies) written in Iran in and after the XVIth century. This leads us to think that the poet was not very famous when he was in Iran. With this study, we hope that we will contribute a little bit to what is known about Ottoman history and genealogy of Ottoman period and will shed light to the field studies.