Research Article


Olga Petrunina

The political elite of the Kingdom of Greece interpreted the Eastern Question in a specific manner, i.e., as an expectation of collecting territories considered to be Greek in one state. This perception, conceptualized in the Megale Idea, had its goals, methods and opponents. It was the guideline of Greek foreign policy the whole 19th century until 1922 and had at least two attempts of its revival later. 

Atinalı Politikacıların Bizans Rüyası (XIX-XX. Yüzyıllar)

Olga Petrunina

Yunan Krallığı’nın siyasi eliti Doğu Sorunu’nu kendilerine göre yorumladı ve Yunan saydıkları toprakların tek bir devlet çatısı altında birleşmesi beklentisine girdiler. Megalo İdea’da kavramsallaştırılan bu algı kendi amaçları, yöntemleri ve karşıtlıklara sahipti. Aynı zamanda 19. yüzyıl boyunca 1922’ye kadar Yunan dış politikasının belirleyici unsuru oldu ve daha sonra bu ideali yeniden canlandırmak için iki defa girişimde bulundu. 

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Petrunina, O. (2017). BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES). The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(31), 35-47.


Petrunina O. BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES). The Journal of Southeastern European Studies. 2017;0(31):35-47.


Petrunina, O. BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES). The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 31, p. 35-47, 2017.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Petrunina, Olga,. 2017. “BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES).” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 31: 35-47.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Petrunina, Olga,. BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES).” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 31 (Dec. 2024): 35-47.

Harvard: Australian Style

Petrunina, O 2017, 'BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES)', The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 31, pp. 35-47, viewed 22 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Petrunina, O. (2017) ‘BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES)’, The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(31), pp. 35-47. (22 Dec. 2024).


Petrunina, Olga,. BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES).” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 31, 2017, pp. 35-47. [Database Container],


Petrunina O. BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES). The Journal of Southeastern European Studies [Internet]. 22 Dec. 2024 [cited 22 Dec. 2024];0(31):35-47. Available from: doi: null


Petrunina, Olga. BYZANTINE DREAM OF ATHENIAN POLITICIANS (XIX-XX CENTURIES)”. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0/31 (Dec. 2024): 35-47.


Published Online30.06.2017


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