Research Article

DOI :10.26650/gaad.1304708   IUP :10.26650/gaad.1304708    Full Text (PDF)

On Gagauz Poetry for Children

Bülent Hünerli

Gagauz poetry for children generally uses simple fluent language and contains themes children can understand. These poems frequently deal with subjects such as nature, animals, family relationships, friendship, games, and daily life. Poetry generally aims to attract children’s attention with the use of rhythm, repetition, rhyme, and poetic language. Traditional motifs, legends, and mythological elements may also be included in Gagauz poetry for children. In this way, children develop their creative thinking and imagination while becoming familiar with their own cultural heritage. Gagauz poetry for children is usually published in schools and children’s literature magazines. In addition, these poems are read enthusiastically by Gagauz children at various events held in Gagauz Yeri. This poetry for children also plays an important role in transferring the Gagauz language and culture to future generations and help children develop their language skills, strengthen their ability to express themselves emotionally, and discover their own cultural identity. Interest in Gagauz poetry for children has increased in recent years. Various institutions and organizations support Gagauz authors and magazines that publish in the Gagauz language. Again, the children’s poems are read in non-printed media, such as on television or the radio. This is extremely important for languages struggling to survive such as Gagauz. This study provides a general discussion of the history, contents, and authors of Gagauz poetry for children.

DOI :10.26650/gaad.1304708   IUP :10.26650/gaad.1304708    Full Text (PDF)

Gagauz Çocuk Şiirleri Üzerine

Bülent Hünerli

Gagauz çocuk şiirlerinde genellikle basit ve akıcı bir dil kullanılır ve çocukların anlayabileceği temalar bulunur. Bu şiirlerde sıkça doğa, hayvanlar, aile ilişkileri, arkadaşlık, oyunlar ve günlük yaşam gibi konular ele alınır. Şiirler; genellikle ritim, tekrarlar, kafiye ve şiirsel dil kullanımıyla çocukların dikkatini çekmeyi amaçlar. Gagauz çocuk şiirlerinde geleneksel motifler, efsaneler ve mitolojik öğeler de yer alabilir. Bu şekilde, çocuklar kendi kültürel miraslarına aşina olurken aynı zamanda yaratıcı düşünme ve hayal gücünü de geliştirirler. Gagauz çocuk şiirleri, genellikle okullarda ve çocuk edebiyatı dergilerinde yayınlanır. Ayrıca, Gagauz Yeri’nde düzenlenen çeşitli etkinliklerde de bu şiirler, Gagauz çocukları tarafından coşkulu bir şekilde okunur. Çocuk şiirleri, Gagauz dilinin ve kültürünün gelecek nesillere aktarılmasında da önemli bir rol oynar. Bu şiirler, çocukların dil becerilerini geliştirmelerine, duygusal ifade yeteneklerini güçlendirmelerine ve kendi kültürel kimliklerini keşfetmelerine yardımcı olur. Son yıllarda Gagauz çocuk şiirlerine olan ilgi artmaktadır. Çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlar, Gagauz yazarlarını ve Gagauzca yayın yapan dergileri desteklemektedir. Yine çocuk şiirleri basılı olmayan medya kuruluşlarında da (televizyon, radyo vb) okunmaktadır. Bu durum var olma mücadelesi gösteren Gagauzca gibi diller için son derece önemlidir. Çalışmada umumiyetle Gagauz çocuk şiirlerinin tarihçesi, içerikleri ve yazarları üzerinde durulacaktır.


Poetry for children is a world-wide genre of poetry written for children and has a long history. Children’s literature is written to develop children’s language skills, to nurture their imagination, and to offer fun and instructive experiences. In line with this, poetry for children has emerged as the collection of poems that contribute to children’s language development, that amuse them, and that make them think.

The Gagauz literature emerged in the 19th century in order to develop and preserve the Gagauz language in Gagauzia. Religious texts and folk tales mostly occurred at the forefront in the early period of Gagauz literature, with specific information about children’s literature being limited. However, more specific steps regarding the development of Gagauz children’s literature and the emergence of poetry for children were able to be taken in the second half of the 20th century, during which time various studies were carried out on preserving and disseminating the Gagauz language and culture. Gagauz authors and poets have written works for Gagauz children and contributed to the development of the Gagauz children’s literature. Schools, children’s literature magazines, and cultural events in Gagauzia played a great role in the spread and growing popularity of Gagauz poetry for children. Gagauz poetry for children has poems written for children in the Gagauz language and on its culture. These poems have been written to improve the language skills of Gagauz children, strengthen their cultural identity, and contribute to their emotional development. Gagauz poetry for children forms an important part of Gagauz literature and is popular with children in general. Various themes are addressed in Gagauz poetry for children. These themes can include nature, family, friendship, animals, adventure, games, fairy tales, heroism, and education and focus on the issues children encounter in their daily lives with the aim of conveying messages about values, cultural heritage, and life skills. For example, children learn concepts in the nature-themed poems about things such as environmental protection and love of nature while also discovering the beauties of nature. Family- and friendship-themed poems emphasize values such as love, loyalty, and solidarity. Local mythological and folkloric elements are also frequently used in Gagauz poetry for children. Legendary characters, mythological elements, and references to local folk tales help children become more connected to Gagauz culture and traditions. These elements feed children’s imaginations and increase their interest in folkloric heritage. In addition, children’s grow in awareness regarding discovering their own cultural identities and protecting their values through Gagauz poetry for children. This poetry also aims to express language and style in a catchy way that children can understand. These poems generally use a rhyming language and provide rhythmic fluency. Carefully chosen words help children develop their language skills while expanding their vocabulary. Simple and understandable language is preferred so that children can enjoy reading and understanding the poems. Gagauz poetry for children has both purposes both educational and entertaining. These poems allow children to develop their language skills, increase their emotional expression and nurture their imaginations. They also provide children with opportunities to develop their own thinking skills, use their creativity, and explore their ability for self-expression. Gagauz poems for children are often published and presented in children’s literature magazines, as well as in schools and events held in Gagauzia. The poems may also be presented in poetry reading competitions among children or in performances at school events.

Gagauz poetry for children plays an important role in transferring the Gagauz language and culture to future generations. These poems contributed to the development of Gagauz children’s literature with poems reflecting the Gagauz language, culture, and values onto children. Gagauz poetry for children is an important tool that helps Gagauz children strengthen their identities, express themselves and make sense of the world. In addition, children’s love and devotion to the Gagauz language is reinforced through these poems as they explore the magical world of poetry. Gagauz poetry for children is an invaluable part of the Gagauz literature as well as a legacy to be passed on to future generations. These poems inspire children to preserve and perpetuate the power of language, cultural identity, and local values and can be seen as a promising sign that the Gagauz language and culture will survive into the future.

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Hünerli, B. (2022). On Gagauz Poetry for Children. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(39), 1-12.


Hünerli B. On Gagauz Poetry for Children. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies. 2022;0(39):1-12.


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Hünerli, Bülent,. 2022. “On Gagauz Poetry for Children.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 39: 1-12.

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Hünerli, Bülent,. On Gagauz Poetry for Children.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 39 (Apr. 2024): 1-12.

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Hünerli B. On Gagauz Poetry for Children. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies [Internet]. 28 Apr. 2024 [cited 28 Apr. 2024];0(39):1-12. Available from: doi: 10.26650/gaad.1304708


Hünerli, Bülent. On Gagauz Poetry for Children”. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0/39 (Apr. 2024): 1-12.


Published Online22.08.2023


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