Research Article

An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses

Ömer Gezer

This paper deals with the research on the Ottoman fortresses with a special focus on the Ottoman Balkans. The number of studies on the Ottoman fortresses, which are an integral part of the Ottoman military history, is incompatible with the huge geography of the empire. Since the new military historiography became the agenda of Ottoman historians, the fortresses are increasingly being addressed by historians. In this article, which aims to give a general overview of the literature, first the studies of the Ottoman military architecture, then monographs of the fortresses and finally researches on the Ottoman fortress system in the frontiers are viewed. 


Ömer Gezer

Bu yazı Balkanlar özelinde Osmanlı kaleleri üzerine yapılmış modern araştırmaları ele alıyor. Osmanlı askerî tarihinin bir cüzü olarak Osmanlı kaleleri üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sayısı, imparatorluğun coğrafî genişliğine tezat bir şekilde az sayıdadır. Yeni askerî tarihçiliğin Osmanlı tarihçilerinin gündeminde kendisine yer bulmasıyla birlikte kaleler giderek daha fazla sayıda tarihçinin araştırmasına konu oluyor. Bu yazıda, bir durum tespiti yapabilmek için, evvela Osmanlı kalelerinin askerî mimarîsi üzerine yapılan araştırmalar, daha sonra tekil olarak kale monografileri ve nihayet serhad bölgelerinde kale sistemlerini inceleyen eserler mercek altına alınmıştır.

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Gezer, Ö. (2018). An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(33), 131-150.


Gezer Ö. An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies. 2018;0(33):131-150.


Gezer, Ö. An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 33, p. 131-150, 2018.

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Gezer, Ömer,. 2018. “An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 33: 131-150.

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Gezer, Ömer,. An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 33 (Apr. 2024): 131-150.

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Gezer, Ö. (2018) ‘An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses’, The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(33), pp. 131-150. (28 Apr. 2024).


Gezer, Ömer,. An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 33, 2018, pp. 131-150. [Database Container],


Gezer Ö. An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies [Internet]. 28 Apr. 2024 [cited 28 Apr. 2024];0(33):131-150. Available from: doi: null


Gezer, Ömer. An Overview of the Literature on the Ottoman Fortresses”. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0/33 (Apr. 2024): 131-150.


Published Online30.06.2018


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