Research Article


Olga Aganson

As a great power and a member of the Concert of Europe, Austria-Hungary was an indispensable element of the pre-World War I international system. Therefore, professional diplomats and academic community of the Entente powers (Russia, Great Britain and France) attached a substantial importance to a foreign policy of the Danube Monarchy, a participant of the hostile Triple Alliance. Due to multiethnic composition of Austria-Hungary, its government attributed exacerbation of national issues within the empire, inter alia the South Slav question, to unfavorable Balkan environment, namely a rise of the Serbian Kingdom. Diplomats and scholars of the Entente powers managed to outline core factors which caused a regionalization of the Austro-Hungarian foreign policy. 

“Balkan Laneti: I. Dünya Savaşı Öncesinde Itilaf Devletlerinin Gözünde Avusturya-Macaristan’ın Politikası”

Olga Aganson

Avusturya-Macaristan Avrupa’nın bir parçası ve büyük bir güç olarak, Birinci Dünya Savaşı öncesinde uluslararası sistemin kaçınılmaz bir unsuruydu. Bu nedenle profesyonel diplomatlar ve İtilaf devletlerinin akademik camiası, düşman ittifak güçlerinin bir parçası olan Tuna monarşisinin dış politikasına önem verdiler. Avusturya-Macaristan’ın çok uluslu yapısı nedeniyle hükümet imparatorluk içerisindeki milli meselelerin uyanmasını ve dahi Güney Slavları sorunu Sırbistan Krallığı’nın doğuşuna, uğursuz Balkan ortamına bağladı. İtilaf devletlerinin diplomatları ve bilim adamları Avusturya-Macaristan’ın dış politikasının bölgeselleşmesine neden olan temel faktörleri belirlediler. 

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Aganson, O. (2017). THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(31), 49-61.


Aganson O. THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies. 2017;0(31):49-61.


Aganson, O. THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 31, p. 49-61, 2017.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Aganson, Olga,. 2017. “THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 31: 49-61.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Aganson, Olga,. THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0, no. 31 (Dec. 2024): 49-61.

Harvard: Australian Style

Aganson, O 2017, 'THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I', The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 31, pp. 49-61, viewed 23 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Aganson, O. (2017) ‘THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I’, The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, 0(31), pp. 49-61. (23 Dec. 2024).


Aganson, Olga,. THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I.” The Journal of Southeastern European Studies, vol. 0, no. 31, 2017, pp. 49-61. [Database Container],


Aganson O. THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies [Internet]. 23 Dec. 2024 [cited 23 Dec. 2024];0(31):49-61. Available from: doi: null


Aganson, Olga. THE BALKAN CURSE: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY’S POLICY IN THE VIEW OF THE ENTENTE POWERS ON THE EVE OF WORLD WAR I”. The Journal of Southeastern European Studies 0/31 (Dec. 2024): 49-61.


Published Online30.06.2017


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