Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0016   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0016    Full Text (PDF)

The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations

Ali İhsan Çelen

As in the process of historical development, outsourcing is one of the main factors shaping working life today. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the role of ILO’s changing outsourcing in predicting the future of working life in terms of employment and wage relations. In this context, the reports of ILO on the prediction of the future of working life were examined and the changing nature of outsourcing was evaluated within the framework of the basic factors shaping the reality of working life determined by ILO. As a result, the main factors that ILO predicts will shape the future of working life also change the quality of outsourcing. These factors are technology and knowledge-based economy, globalization and deindustrialization, inequality and social protection, demography and environmental factors. The most important factor that changes the quality of outsourcing is developments in technology and knowledge based economy.These predicted factors include employment relations, rapidly increasing the demand for skilled labor within the framework of dynamic and flexible employment, globalization of labor markets, gaining weight in foreign investment and service sector, polarization of problems, increasing the need for social protection, migrant employment in the elderly and child care, and the importance of sectors involved in environmental issues due to climate change. In wage relations, the most important effect is seen in the spread of wage inequalities. Accordingly, ILO’s emphasis on the changing nature of outsourcing is crucial for understanding the future of global labor markets. 

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0016   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0016    Full Text (PDF)

ILO’nun Çalışma Yaşamının Geleceği Öngörüsünde Niteliği Değişen Dış Kaynak Kullanımının Rolü: İstihdam ve Ücret İlişkileri Açısından Bir Değerlendirme

Ali İhsan Çelen

Tarihsel gelişim sürecinde olduğu gibi günümüzde de dış kaynak kullanımı, çalışma hayatını şekillendiren faktörlerin başında gelmektedir. Buna göre çalışmanın amacını; ILO’nun çalışma yaşamının geleceği öngörüsünde niteliği değişen dış kaynak kullanımının rolünü istihdam ve ücret ilişkileri açısından incelemek oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda yöntem olarak ILO’nun çalışma yaşamının geleceği öngörüsü ile ilgili raporları incelenmiş ve ILO’nun belirlediği çalışma yaşamının geçeğini şekillendiren temel faktörler çerçevesinde dış kaynak kullanımının değişen niteliği değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak ILO’nun çalışma yaşamının geleceğini şekillendireceğini öngördüğü temel faktörler, aynı zamanda dış kaynak kullanımının niteliğini de değiştirmektedir. Bu faktörler; teknoloji ve bilgi tabanlı ekonomi, küreselleşme ve sanayisizleşme, eşitsizlik ve sosyal koruma, demografi ve çevre faktörleridir. Dış kaynak kullanımının niteliğini değiştiren en önemli faktör ise teknoloji ve bilgi tabanlı ekonomide yaşanılan gelişmelerdir. Öngörülen bu faktörler istihdam ilişkilerini; dinamik ve esnek istihdam çerçevesinde vasıflı işgücü talebinin hızla arttırması, işgücü piyasalarının küreselleştirmesi, dışa yatırım ve hizmet sektörünün ağırlık kazanması, kutuplaşma sorunu, sosyal koruma ihtiyacının artması, yaşlı ve çocuk bakımında göçmen istihdamı, iklim değişikliğine bağlı olarak yeşillenmeye bırakılan sektörlerin önem kazanması çerçevesinde etkilemektedir. Ücret ilişkilerinde ise en önemli etki, ücret eşitsizliklerinin yaygınlaşması noktasında görülmektedir. Buna göre ILO’nun dış kaynak kullanımının değişen niteliğine ayrıca önem vermesi, küresel işgücü piyasalarının geleceğinin anlaşılması açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. 


The 102nd session of the ILO laid the foundation for the next century’s initiative for the future of working life. In this session, the main factors that transform working life were first determined and these were demography, environment, technology, poverty, inequality, international balance, production and employment. The future of work initiative is more inclusive than the other suggested initiative, it has a longer duration and more universal. Also it has a very modern feature according to Millenium Development Goals (MDG) and Sustainable Development Goals 

The research period covers the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Accordingly, it was planned that the national dialogue mechanism in 2016 about work and society, decent work, work and production organization and governance of work subjects. A global commission was established in 2017 in the light of the data obtained from the member countries. In 2018, a commission report was prepared and the declaration of the century was foreseen to be adopted in 2019. In the commission report issued in 2018, the main factors predicted to lead the future of working life were identified. These factors are technological change and knowledge-based economy, globalization and deindustrialization, the effects of business restructuring on inequality and social protection, demographic and environmental factors. Within the scope of technological and knowledge based economy, more investment in knowledge-based economy, on-line platforms, information technologies and digital work platforms stand out. Within the scope of globalization and deindustrialization, global supply chains, flexibility in the production process, profit-orientedness, investment in other countries, expansion of the service sector are influential factors. The problem of inequality due to the restructuring of the work and the need for more social protection as a result of each passing day is gaining importance. Morover, both in the context of demographic developments the problem of aging population is experienced and due to changing population profiles, the differentiation of social needs becomes important. On the one hand, due to the increasing climate and environmental problems, the green economy is gaining importance. In this context, green manufacturing becomes important.

On the other hand, as in the historical development process, outsourcing is an important aspect of production systems. In this respect, outsourcing affects working relationships. The use of outsourcing has been carried to a different dimension through the globalization process. The outsourcing of administrative affairs in the 90s has also undergone a significant transformation process since the mid-90s with a series of economic crises in developing countries and rapid technological developments since the early 2000s.

In addition, the main factor that ILO predicts will lead the future of working life is a change in the quality of outsourcing. Accordingly, as technological change increases, investment in the knowledge-based economy increases. And outsourcing for businesses is becoming even more attractive. Time constraints, rapid digitalization, information technologies, artificial intelligence, vulnerability, intelligent automation technologies, new distribution models, virtualization etc. play an active role in this process. Furthermore, the popularization of outsourcing due to globalization and industrialization raises issues such as creative destruction, polarization, increasing inequality, social insecurity and so on. Likewise, increasing demand for skilled labour makes it vital to solve problems in the education system. On the other hand within the scope of demographic developments; provision for the elderly and child care in day care institutions or nursing homes, employment of legal or illegal immigrants in this sector, provision of surrogacy services have become important issues. In addition, the transition green economy policies have gained importance on climate change and environmental issues.

Accordingly, the changing nature of outsourcing is influenced by key factors that ILO predicts will shape the future of working life. In this respect, outsourcing plays an important role in shaping working life and will continue to do so. The effect of this change process on employment relations can be predicted to be seen in the following issues: Independent work, more requirements for labor employment, gaining skills before they are needed, networks, ecosystems, rapid transition to skills and competencies, mercenary intellectuals, global human resources, more flexible and more individual employment relations, more mobile labor market, need more time on self-improvement, just in time learning and so on. Moreover, considering that developments in technology and knowledge based economy are more effective in this process, changing business relations generally in favor of skilled labor can lead to important problems regarding wage inequalities. 

As a result, the changing nature of outsourcing in the future of working life can be predicted to play a leading role in the deepening of existing problems and the emergence of new problems. In this process, the problems that can be seen in wage and employment relations are at the forefront. The ILO has implemented the mechanism of social dialogue as an important process in the future of working life initiative. For this reason, the mechanism of social dialogue is an important way to solve the problems that are experienced and may be experienced. Also, ILO’s assessment of the changing nature of outsourcing is of great importance for understanding the future of global labor markets. 

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Çelen, A.İ. (2019). The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(77), 201-234.


Çelen A İ. The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2019;0(77):201-234.


Çelen, A.İ. The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 77, p. 201-234, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Çelen, Ali İhsan,. 2019. “The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 77: 201-234.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Çelen, Ali İhsan,. The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 77 (Mar. 2025): 201-234.

Harvard: Australian Style

Çelen, Aİ 2019, 'The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations', Journal of Social Policy Conferences, vol. 0, no. 77, pp. 201-234, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Çelen, A.İ. (2019) ‘The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations’, Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(77), pp. 201-234. (10 Mar. 2025).


Çelen, Ali İhsan,. The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences, vol. 0, no. 77, 2019, pp. 201-234. [Database Container],


Çelen Aİ. The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations. Journal of Social Policy Conferences [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(77):201-234. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0016


Çelen, Aliİhsan. The Changing Role of Outsourcing In ILO’s Future of Work Initiative: An Evalution In Terms of Employment and Wage Relations”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0/77 (Mar. 2025): 201-234.


Published Online31.12.2019


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