The Effect of Cultural Dimensions on the Attitude of Home Care Services: A Case of Burdur City
Azime Arısoy, Mehmet Ali TaşThis study was conducted to investigate the effects of the collectivist and the individualist cultural dimensions on attitudes towards home care services. Based on this, a cross-sectional study was conducted on 384 people aged 18 and over, who live in Burdur City. In the survey, two different scales were used, namely the “Collectivism and Individualism Culture Scale (INDCOL)” and the “Home Care Services Attitude Scale (HCSAS)”. In addition, demographic information of the participants is included. The obtained data were analyzed using the SPSS 22 and Lisrel 8.80 package programs. In this research, descriptive, difference, relationship and effect analyses were applied. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the collectivist culture dimension had a higher average than the individualist culture dimension. Both the collectivist and the individualist culture dimensions have a significant and positive relationship with home care services attitudes. In addition, it was found that both cultural dimensions positively affected the attitudes of home care services. However, it has been determined that the collective culture dimension has a relatively higher effect on attitudes towards home care services.
Kültürel Boyutların Evde Bakım Hizmetleri Tutumuna Etkisi: Burdur İli Kent Merkezi Örneği
Azime Arısoy, Mehmet Ali TaşBu çalışma, toplulukçu ve bireyci kültür boyutlarının evde bakım hizmetlerine yönelik tutumlar üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Buradan hareketle Burdur ilinde ikamet etmekte olan 18 yaş ve üstü 384 kişiye anket uygulanarak kesitsel analitik bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Anket formunda “Toplulukçu ve Bireyci Kültür Ölçeği (INDCOL)” ve “Evde Bakım Hizmetleri Tutum Ölçeği (EBHTÖ)” olmak üzere iki farklı ölçek kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca katılımcıların demografik bilgilerine yer verilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen veriler SPSS 22 ve Lisrel 8.80 paket programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada betimsel, fark, ilişki ve etki analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda toplulukçu kültür boyutunun bireyci kültür boyutundan daha yüksek bir puana sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Hem toplulukçu hem de bireyci kültür boyutlarının evde bakım hizmetleri tutumlarıyla anlamlı ve olumlu bir ilişkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Bunun yanında her iki kültür boyutunun evde bakım hizmetleri tutumlarını olumlu etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ancak burada toplulukçu kültür boyutunun evde bakım hizmetlerine yönelik tutumlara etkisinin nispeten daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır.
An important component of the implementation of social services for the elderly and disabled people in Turkey are home care services. According to TUIK data; 8% of Turkey’s population are individuals aged 65 and over. According to the 2019 Disabled and Elderly Statistical Bulletin; 6.9% of the total population consists of individuals with disabilities. On the one hand, the elderly population, and the increase of chronic diseases and disabilities increase the density in hospitals. On the other hand, it also causes a serious financing problem. This situation causes home care services to come to the fore.
Although important arrangements have been made in the laws related to home care services, what is the public perspective on this issue? Which cultural dimensions dominate the home care attitude? A number of questions come to mind. Indeed, culture plays an important role in the formation of attitudes and behavior. People act within the values they adopt. Cultural values lie behind the attitudes adopted. It also guides behavior. In Turkish society, which is expressed as a collective society, the concept of family and collective behaviors are important. At this point, the family also has important duties in patient care. On the other hand, it is stated that the healing process of the patients will be extended under the stressful and negative conditions of the hospital environment (Akdemir et al., 2011: 57).
From this point of view, this study was carried out in order to determine whether the culture structure that is dominant in the society has an effect on home care services attitude. This study was carried out in 2019. The research consists of individuals aged 18 and over, who live in the province of Burdur. In the study, data were collected from 384 people in total. All of the surveys are included in the analysis. A survey was used to collect the necessary data for the research. In this questionnaire, two different scales were used, namely the “Collectivism and Individualism Culture Scale (INDCOL)” and the “Home Care Services Attitude Scale (HCSAS)”. In both of these scales used, a 5-point Likert-type rating was used: 1) I definitely agree and 5) I definitely disagree.
It was determined that the gender distribution of the participants included in this study is almost equal. The majority of the participants are married individuals. It was determined that the groups formed regarding the age distribution of the participants were close to each other. On the other hand, it is observed that only 58 of the participants have individuals who benefit from home care services. When the educational status is analyzed, it is observed that primary and high school levels are the majority. Income status has been determined to be at the level of 4500+ TL.
It is seen that the collectivist culture dimension has a higher average than the individualistic cultural dimension. In the dimensions of home care attitude scale, the highest average belongs to the relationship dimension. Then, the comparison dimension, home care services attitudes as a whole, and the support dimension.
It has been determined that both the collectivist and the individualist cultural dimensions have a significant and positive relationship with all the dimensions of home care services attitudes at a high reliability level. It is seen that the collectivist culture dimension is mostly related to the implicit variable of home care services attitudes. In addition, the individualistic culture dimension was found to be mostly related to the comparison dimension. When the findings are examined, it can be seen that both the collectivist and the individualist cultures significantly and positively affect the attitudes of home care services. The collective culture dimension affects the home care services attitude scale the most. The individualist culture has been found to affect the comparison factor the most. On the other hand, in this study, the individualist culture dimension has been found to positively affect the attitude of home care services. This may relate to the prevalence of communityism throughout society, the dominant norms and rules that it still holds, and its validity. Although people yearn for independence, autonomy, hedonism and individual prosperity, it is thought that there is still a high need to adopt with social rules. Because when the norms and rules are violated, there may be sanctions, such as exclusion from the society and deprivation of social approval.