Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0019   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0019    Full Text (PDF)

An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property

Elvin DinlerZeynep Çalışkan

Property has been the center of attention of both individuals and societies throughout world history and has undergone many transformations in the historical process. This transformation has been affected by economic, political and religious systems in world history. Therefore, in order to examine the transformation of the concept of property, it is necessary to contextualise the important events in the history of the world in terms of economic, political and religious systems. In this context, the concept of property has been put forward in the said perspective from the Egyptian calendar to the present and a chronological study has been, carried out with findings obtained from the literature research.

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0019   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0019    Full Text (PDF)

Mülkiyetin Tarihsel Gelişimi Üzerine Bir Deneme

Elvin DinlerZeynep Çalışkan

Mülkiyet, insanlık tarihi boyunca gerek bireylerin gerekse de toplumların ilgi odağı olmuş, tarihsel süreçte ise birçok dönüşüme uğramıştır. Bu dönüşüm dünya tarihinde yaşanan ekonomik, siyasi ve dini sistemlerden etkilenerek günümüzdeki halini almıştır. Bu nedenle mülkiyet kavramının yaşadığı dönüşümünü inceleyebilmek için insanlık tarihinde yaşanan önemli olaylara, ekonomik, siyasi ve dini sistemlere de bakma gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada Mısır Takviminden günümüze mülkiyet kavramı söz konusu perspektifte ortaya konmuş, yapılan literatür araştırması sonucunda elde edilen bulgularla kronolojik bir deneme çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. 


Property has been one of the priority areas discussed throughout the world’s history. Today, while property continues to be discussed in a wide range from land to information, it is acknowledged to be one of the main causes of inequality while at the same time promoting the necessity of the axis of neo-liberal policies. In this context, the concept of property has been evaluated in a wider perspective. Thus, this study aims to guide the need to examine the concept from a wider perspective in subsequent research. The scope of the study is to evaluate the transformations that have taken place in the history of the world from the Egyptian Calendar to the present, and together with important events, to explain the concept of property in the light of economic, political and religious systems. In this study, literature was searched as a method and a chronological study was carried out.

The transformations that property have gone through in the historical process have been as follows; In the Copper Age, when events were precisely dated, property was concentrated on agricultural land and religious systems, while property on land was observed. With the invention of the plow, productivity and the possibility of using animals in agriculture increased, and in the Bronze Age property extended to land, animals and slaves. Due to drought in the world, It is seen that the aristocracy of land which holds fertile soil, has emerged. ith the emergence of monotheistic religions, debates on joint and private property began, and with the development of trade, property of movable and immovable properties was discussed. The Iron Age is a period in which Chinese philosophy experienced its golden age. In this period, while land property remained the priority, it was seen that with the establishment of Rome, which adopted religious systems as a form of administration, the areas used by families for religious ceremonies were subject to property. Thus, the transfer of property to the family took place, and with the development of the Silk Road, the trade volume expanded and led to the spread of private property. In the Middle Ages, agricultural property became a political organization and feudalism was born as a political organization. Thus, class distinctions were sharpened, and a class society of kings, knights, vassals and peasants emerged, with kings believing that all lands werae given to them by the gods. Scientific developments related to seafaring in the late Middle Ages led to the discovery of new places, the economy developed and an economic system that was different from feudalism emerged. With the use of policies in trade, capital became mobile. In the Middle 

Ages, the power of the church was undeniable because it owned most of the property. In the Early Modern Period however, Luther initiated a protest that allowed the properties of the church to be transferred to kings. The kingdom sold some of these properties and some of them were reserved as kingdom property. In this period, Protestant Calvinists stated that the people who succeeded in prosperity were chosen by God, and the moral equivalent of property was built and the inevitable rise of private property provided the economic accumulation necessary for the Industrial Revolution in the modern age. Adam Smith, one of the important names of the modern era, advocated private property through labor property, and a great gap has emerged in the Liberal State between the working class and the employer. During this period the French Revolution also abolished the property restriction of feudalism. On the one hand, the physiocrats advocated private property and the views of Marxism on joint propery came into prominence. Unemployment with the recent economic crisis has increased the gap between workers and employers.

Poverty and hunger began to increase after the time when the government had no interference with both the property and the economy. However, with the rise of Keynesian policies, welfare state practices have begun and class segregation has decreased somewhat. With the developments in science and technology in the modern age, globalization has entered our lives and borders have disappeared. As a result of the two world wars that took place during this period, colonialism ended and with the emergence of the internet, property became joint property in joint stock companies. In the 21st century, the discovery and spreading rate of social media inevitably spread to every sphere of life. Property subject to ownership has been evaluated in intellectual, mental and informational fields and its spread through social media has decreased to seconds. Nowadays, the property we are talking about is not only related to movable and immovable property, but to information and even sentences.

As can be seen in the study, important events in world history of property have been affected by economic, political and religious systems and by the ideas of the important philosophers of the ages, as well as transformed these systems. In this context, both property and economic, religious, and political systems need to be evaluated together in a broad perspective. Property has been seen as one of the main causes of inequality throughout the world history and as discussed today. However, there is no consensus on whether property will be shared or private, and property we speak of in the 21st century is now that of intellectual knowledge. The concept of property has undergone many changes to the present day in terms of scope, and its transformation will continue (as is seen from this study). In this context, it is essential to evaluate the studies to be carried out from joint property to private property, from land ownership to information ownership in a broad perspective.

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Dinler, E., & Çalışkan, Z. (2019). An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(77), 421-452.


Dinler E, Çalışkan Z. An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2019;0(77):421-452.


Dinler, E.; Çalışkan, Z. An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 77, p. 421-452, 2019.

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Dinler, Elvin, and Zeynep Çalışkan. 2019. “An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 77: 421-452.

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Dinler, Elvin, and Zeynep Çalışkan. An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 77 (Mar. 2025): 421-452.

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Dinler, E & Çalışkan, Z 2019, 'An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property', Journal of Social Policy Conferences, vol. 0, no. 77, pp. 421-452, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

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Dinler, E. and Çalışkan, Z. (2019) ‘An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property’, Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(77), pp. 421-452. (10 Mar. 2025).


Dinler, Elvin, and Zeynep Çalışkan. An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences, vol. 0, no. 77, 2019, pp. 421-452. [Database Container],


Dinler E, Çalışkan Z. An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property. Journal of Social Policy Conferences [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(77):421-452. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jspc.2019.77.0019


Dinler, Elvin - Çalışkan, Zeynep. An Experiment on the Historical Development of Property”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0/77 (Mar. 2025): 421-452.


Published Online31.12.2019


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