Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JTL.2024.1582321   IUP :10.26650/JTL.2024.1582321    Full Text (PDF)

Exploring Uncertainty in Maritime Collisions: A Qualitative FRAM Approach

Cenk Ay

This study employs the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) to investigate the dynamics of maritime collisions characterized by inherent uncertainties and interdependent operational variables. Through qualitative analysis, FRAM can identify functional variabilities within the system and explore how interactions among operational functions contribute to risk accumulation under complex conditions. The analysis highlights critical points where deviations in timing, environmental factors, and human responses intersected, escalating risks and ultimately leading to the collision. Key findings reveal how delayed command actions, communication gaps, and environmental challenges interact to create cascading effects that amplify safety risks in high-stakes scenarios. By capturing these intricate interactions, the study demonstrates FRAM’s effectiveness in analyzing systemic risks and emergent behaviors in complex systems. This approach offers insights into the mechanisms by which operational uncertainties compromise safety and highlights the need for resilient navigational systems. The findings enhance the understanding of maritime collision dynamics and highlight FRAM’s suitability for analyzing complex incidents in uncertain environments. By addressing these challenges, the study contributes to improving safety protocols and operational resilience, offering valuable perspectives for managing risks in high-stake maritime operations.

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Ay, Cenk. Exploring Uncertainty in Maritime Collisions: A Qualitative FRAM Approach”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 0/0 (Mar. 2025): -.


Published Online18.12.2024


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