Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JTL.2024.1495162   IUP :10.26650/JTL.2024.1495162    Full Text (PDF)

Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications

Ayça Tümtürk

The Logistics Performance Index (LPI) published by the World Bank allows countries to monitor and compare logistics performance criteria such as customs procedures, infrastructure quality, and on-time delivery. It has been observed that Turkey’s ranking in this index has fluctuated over time. This study aims to examine the importance that Turkey places on its logistics performance. For this purpose, the internationally recognized measure LPI and its components have been used. Deductive content analysis was conducted on the periodic journal issues published by UTIKAD, a non-governmental organization. Root words representing the six components of the LPI were identified and analyzed in 24 journal issues published between 2018 and 2023, chosen because the previous LPI was released in 2018. The importance given to these components was evaluated based on the frequencies found. Additionally, a SOAR analysis was also performed based on the information in the analyzed journal issues. Recommendations were made on digitalization of customs procedures, infrastructure improvements, emphasis on service quality, the importance of on-time delivery, international shipment, and tracking and traceability. The study also concluded that LPI components should be emphasized more. Specifically, the infrastructure criterion needs more attention, according to findings from both the literature and content analysis. This study is the first to evaluate the importance of logistics performance through content analysis of association publications. The results provide strategic guidance for improving Turkey’s logistics performance.

DOI :10.26650/JTL.2024.1495162   IUP :10.26650/JTL.2024.1495162    Full Text (PDF)

Türkiye’nin Lojistik Performansına Verdiği Önemin Değerlendirilmesi: Dernek Yayınları Üzerinde İçerik Analizi Uygulaması

Ayça Tümtürk

Dünya Bankası tarafından yayımlanan Lojistik Performans İndeksi (LPI), ülkelerin gümrük işlemleri, altyapı kalitesi ve zamanında teslimat gibi lojistik performans ölçütlerini izlemelerine ve diğer ülkelerle kıyaslamalarına olanak tanır. Türkiye’nin bu indeksteki sıralamasının zaman içinde dalgalandığı gözlemlenmektedir. Bu araştırma, Türkiye’nin lojistik performansına verdiği önemi incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla, uluslararası kabul görmüş bir ölçüt olan LPI ve onun bileşenleri kullanılmıştır. Bir sivil toplum kuruluşu olan ÜTİKAD’ın periyodik olarak yayımladığı dergi sayıları üzerinde tümdengelimci içerik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. LPI’nın altı bileşeni için belirlenen kelime kökleri, bir önceki LPI’nın 2018’de yayımlanması nedeniyle seçilen 2018-2023 döneminde yayımlanan 24 dergi sayısında taranmıştır. Bulunan frekanslara göre bileşenlere verilen önem değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, taranan dergi sayılarında yer alan bilgiler ışığında SOAR analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gümrük işlemlerinin elektronik ortama aktarılması, altyapı geliştirmeleri, hizmet kalitesi vurgusu, zamanında teslimat önemi, uluslararası sevkiyat ve takip ve izlenebilirlik konularında öneriler sunulmuştur. Çalışma ayrıca LPI bileşenlerinin daha fazla vurgulanması gerektiği sonucuna varmıştır. Özellikle altyapı kriteri üzerinde daha fazla durulması gerektiği, literatürden ve içerik analizinden elde edilen bulgular arasındadır. Bu çalışma, dernek yayınları üzerinden içerik analizi uygulaması ile lojistik performansın önemini değerlendiren ilk çalışma niteliğindedir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, Türkiye’nin lojistik performansının iyileştirilmesi için stratejik yönlendirmeler sağlamaktadır. 


The increase in global trade volume has led to an increasing emphasis on activities such as transportation, storage, on-time delivery, and customs clearance of final products. Since 2007, the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) and its findings have become standard reference material in numerous studies and policy documents on international logistics. The LPI is a worldwide survey conducted by the World Bank. The increasing trend of this important indicator could be a sign that countries will become more attractive in international trade.

The irregular fluctuations in Turkey’s score in the Logistics Performance Index have sparked the question of "What is Turkey’s importance given to its logistics performance?". To answer this question, the sources were examined first. In the preliminary research phase, the frequency of LPI components in these sources was analyzed, assuming that this frequency could represent the importance of this topic in Turkey. The online sources reached during the preliminary research can be divided into three categories. These are public, private sector, and civil society organizations. 

Public sources include reports on the improvement of customs services such as those found on the websites of the General Directorate of Customs, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Development, as well as plans such as the 11th Development Plan. Public sources either cover only a certain part of the logistics field, not the entire logistics field, or they cover other fields, not just the logistics field.

Private sector sources include reports from companies with a large logistics sector share, especially those operating internationally. Since many of these reports belong to multinational companies, the data in the reports may not only be related to Turkey. Additionally, a significant portion of private sector businesses may not be able to influence customs procedures or infrastructure investments alone.

The last type of source comes from civil society organizations, also known as the third sector. These sources are publications by associations such as Tüsiad, Loder, and Utikad. In this study, 24 journal issues published periodically since 2018 by Utikad, a non-governmental organization operating in logistics, were used as sources.

After examining data from online sources, content analysis was chosen. In content analysis, category selection can be made with either an inductive or a deductive approach. In the inductive approach, categories are selected or determined before the collected literature is analyzed. In the deductive approach, categories are developed based on generalizations obtained from the collected literature (Goel, et al., 2019). The current study employs deductive content analysis. 

During the word selection phase, efforts were made to identify terms representing the six categories of the Logistics Performance Index. The World Bank’s survey and LPI resources were utilized as primary references for examining these categories (Çemberci et al., 2015; Gergin and Baki, 2015; Soliani, 2018). Following the categorization of survey questions, keywords from these questions were extracted for content analysis. To ensure reliability, two academics specializing in logistics reviewed the selected keywords.

The ’Full Reader Search’ function of Adobe Acrobat Reader Software was employed to determine frequencies. However, each root word discovered was carefully assessed for relevance. If deemed pertinent and not an advertisement, it was considered for frequency analysis. Consequently, frequency numbers for sub-criteria in the journal issues were established, and frequency tables were organized by year.

The selected association journal releases four issues annually. Consequently, a total of 24 journal issues were reviewed spanning the years 2018 to 2023, each containing four issues. SOAR analysis was conducted on the six components of the LPI, taking into account the frequencies and articles within the examined journals.

This study highlights the importance of improving Turkey’s LPI to attract foreign investment and boost national income. Greater emphasis on all LPI components, particularly infrastructure (including air infrastructure), can significantly enhance Turkey’s logistics performance. This research, focusing on publications from a single source, offers valuable insights. Future studies could benefit from including data from the private and public sectors, alongside in-depth interviews, to provide a more comprehensive picture of the importance placed on the LPI in Turkey. By addressing the identified areas for improvement and conducting more in-depth research, Turkey can solidify its position in the global logistics landscape. 

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Tümtürk, A. (2024). Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 9(2), 280-297.


Tümtürk A. Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications. Journal of Transportation and Logistics. 2024;9(2):280-297.


Tümtürk, A. Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications. Journal of Transportation and Logistics, [Publisher Location], v. 9, n. 2, p. 280-297, 2024.

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Tümtürk, Ayça,. 2024. “Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications.” Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9, no. 2: 280-297.

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Tümtürk, Ayça,. Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications.” Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 280-297.

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Tümtürk, A 2024, 'Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications', Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 280-297, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

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Tümtürk, A. (2024) ‘Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications’, Journal of Transportation and Logistics, 9(2), pp. 280-297. (10 Mar. 2025).


Tümtürk, Ayça,. Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications.” Journal of Transportation and Logistics, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, pp. 280-297. [Database Container],


Tümtürk A. Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications. Journal of Transportation and Logistics [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];9(2):280-297. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JTL.2024.1495162


Tümtürk, Ayça. Assessing The Importance Attributed by Turkey to Logistics Performance: Application Of Content Analysis on Association Publications”. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 9/2 (Mar. 2025): 280-297.


Published Online26.09.2024


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