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DOI :10.26650/oba.1397979   IUP :10.26650/oba.1397979    Full Text (PDF)

Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery

Mürvet Mutlu Karakaya

Naim Bey graduated from the Imperial School of Medicine (Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane) with diploma number 400 on June 27, 1873, becoming one of the first Turkish surgeons at the age of 23. After graduating, he won a competition to send students abroad and went to Vienna for further surgical training in 1875. Upon his return, he was summoned to serve in the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877-78, where he made valuable contributions in line with his surgical skills. Starting in 1884, he was a lecturer in External Diseases (General Surgery/Emraz-ı Hariciye) at the Imperial School of Medicine. Additionally, he taught at the Civil School of Medicine (Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye). In 1886, he was appointed as a Lieutenant Colonel, and in 1887, he achieved the rank of Colonel. During this time, he received various ranks of Mecidi and Osmani medals and became a member of various medical commissions. On November 20, 1890, he, along with three other professors from the Imperial School of Medicine, traveled to Berlin to study Dr. Koch's research on tuberculosis. They stayed in Berlin for two months. Upon their return to Istanbul, Naim Bey was involved in efforts to establish a tuberculosis hospital. In 1891, he attended the VIIth International Congress of Hygiene and Demography in London. However, shortly after returning from London, he passed away at the age of 41 on October 17, 1891, due to an aneurysm.

DOI :10.26650/oba.1397979   IUP :10.26650/oba.1397979    Full Text (PDF)

Modern Türk Cerrahisinin Öncülerinden Miralay Muallim Doktor Naim Hasan Bey

Mürvet Mutlu Karakaya

Naim Bey, 27 Haziran 1873’te 400 numaralı diploma ile Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane’den 23 yaşında mezun olarak, ilk Türk cerrahlardan biri olmuştur. Mezuniyetinden sonra 1875’te, yurt dışına öğrenci göndermek üzere açılan yarışma sınavını kazanmış ve Viyana’ya gitmiştir. Burada cerrahi uzmanlığını geliştirmek üzere eğitim almıştır. Dönüşünde 1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Harbi’ne çağrılarak, savaş alanında uzmanlığı doğrultusunda yararlıklar göstermiştir. 1884 yılından itibaren Mekteb-i Tıbbiye’de Emraz-ı Hariciye [Genel Cerrahi] muallimliği yapmıştır. Ayrıca Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye’de de dersler vermiştir. 1886’da Kaymakam [Yarbay], 1887’de Miralay [Albay] olmuştur. Bu süre zarfında çeşitli derecelerde Mecidî ve Osmanî nişanları almıştır. Çeşitli tıbbî komisyonlara üye olmuştur. 20 Kasım 1890’da üç Mekteb-i Tıbbiye muallimiyle beraber Doktor Koch’un verem ile ilgili çalışmalarını incelemek üzere Berlin’e gitmiş ve orada iki ay kalmıştır. Dönüşte İstanbul’da bir verem hastanesi kurma çalışmalarına katılmıştır. 1891’de Londra’da düzenlenen VII. Uluslararası Hijyen ve Demografi Kongresi’ne katılmıştır. Ancak Londra’dan döndükten kısa süre sonra 17 Ekim 1891 günü, 41 yaşında iken, anevrizma nedeniyle vefat etmiştir.


The Imperial School of Medicine (Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane) opened its doors in 1827. Initially, surgical studies were not included in the curriculum. In 1832, a separate institution was established for surgical education, known as the Surgeon School (Cerrahhane). In its early years, the Surgeon School primarily trained Greek surgeons since Turkish doctors were reluctant to become surgeons. In 1838, medical and surgical education was integrated. However, it took until the late 1800s for Turkish doctors to embrace surgical careers fully. The first three names trained at the School of Medicine and continued their surgical specialization abroad are Naim Bey, Osman Bey, and Hayrettin Bey. 

Naim Bey entered the School of Medicine in 1862 and graduated at 23 with diploma number 400 on June 27, 1873. As the School of Medicine was a military school, he graduated with the rank of lieutenant, holding expertise in both medical and surgical fields. His comprehensive diploma exams encompassed various subjects, including Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Anatomy, Botany, Zoology, Galenic Pharmacy, Minor Surgical Procedures, Physiology, Diseases, Materia Medica, Preventive Medicine, Internal and External Diseases, Forensic Medicine, Pathology, General Surgery, Gynecology, Clinical Medical Methods, Clinical Surgical Methods, Dermatology, Ophthalmology.

On Naim Bey's diploma, Sultan Abdülaziz’s name was torn, though the seals and signatures of the school's director, Marko Pasha, and seventeen instructors remained intact. His instructors included Saib, Kalyas, Arşizen Sarandi, Valasidi, Maruvan(?), Ferdinand, Serviçen, Ahmet Remzi, Konstantin Karateodori, Konstantin, Baroçi, Aristidi, Seyyid Ali, Vuçino, Anton, and Mavroyeni.

During Naim Bey's graduation period, 33 people, 20 Muslims, received education at the School of Medicine. This is an example of the long-standing tradition that approximately one-third of students are non-Muslim. After completing his education, Naim Bey, along with his friends Hayrettin Bey and Osman Bey, participated in an examination in 1875 that offered opportunities for further education abroad. They all succeeded in this examination, with Naim Bey choosing Vienna for surgical training while his friends opted for Paris. Vienna was known for providing top-notch medical education. However, since the language of instruction at the School of Medicine was French, Paris was a more preferred destination.

Upon returning from his foreign education, Naim Bey was called to serve during the 1877-78 Ottoman-Russian War, where he showcased his surgical skills. After the war, it is likely that he became an assistant instructor at the School of Medicine. In 1884, he became a teacher in External Diseases (General Surgery/Emraz-ı Hariciye). In addition to his duty at the School of Medicine, a military school, Naim Bey also taught at the Civil School of Medicine (Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye), established in 1867 to provide medical education to civilians. He was the teacher of Cemil Topuzlu, who was acknowledged as the founder of modern surgery in Türkiye. Topuzlu said in his memoir that he learned extensively from Naim Bey. After Naim Bey passed away, Hayrettin Bey took his place, and Cemil Bey took Hayrettin Bey’s place. Thus, Naim Bey’s death paved the way for Cemil Topuzlu’s career advancement.

In 1887, Naim Bey was promoted to the rank of Colonel, receiving various medals and honors. In 1889, he was appointed to the Council of Civil Medicine and Public Health (Meclis-i Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye ve Sıhhıye-i Umumiye). He also became a member of the Association of Ottoman Medicine (Cemiyet-i Tıbbiye-i Osmaniye), dedicated to translating medical literature into Turkish.

In 1890, Naim Bey, along with the Committee of Ottoman Medicine (Heyet-i Tıbbiye-i Osmaniye), visited Doctor Robert Koch in Berlin. During this visit, they met Koch and examined Koch's work on the tuberculosis vaccine and treatment. Various reports were sent back to Istanbul. However, the final decision of the committee was that the treatment remained experimental, and therefore, there was no need for Ottoman citizens to come to Berlin for treatment. Naim Bey was also involved in efforts to establish a tuberculosis hospital, but the treatment did not meet expectations, and the project remained incomplete.

Naim Bey's international engagements included participation in the VIIth International Congress of Hygiene and Demography held in London in 1891. Initially, other candidates were considered, but Naim Bey was chosen for his suitability. The congress, attended by over 2000 people, highlighted developments in the field of microbiology.

In addition to his professional endeavors, Naim Bey had three children: one son and two daughters. One of his daughters passed away at an early age, while the other married Selim Ucce, a Syrian soldier and a surgeon who studied at School of Medicine and settled in Damascus. Naim Bey's son, Hasan Cevdet Temizkanlı, attended Mekteb-i Harbiye and participated in various battles, and received the Independence Medal. He passed away in 1939.

On October 17, 1891, Naim Bey passed away at the age of 41 in his home in Vefa due to an aneurysm. His legacy endures as one of the pioneering Turkish surgeons who received a comprehensive education at the School of Medicine and played an important role in advancing the field of medicine in Türkiye.

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Karakaya, M.M. (2024). Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery. Studies in Ottoman Science, 25(2), 259-288.


Karakaya M M. Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery. Studies in Ottoman Science. 2024;25(2):259-288.


Karakaya, M.M. Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery. Studies in Ottoman Science, [Publisher Location], v. 25, n. 2, p. 259-288, 2024.

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Karakaya, Mürvet Mutlu,. 2024. “Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery.” Studies in Ottoman Science 25, no. 2: 259-288.

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Karakaya, Mürvet Mutlu,. Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery.” Studies in Ottoman Science 25, no. 2 (Dec. 2024): 259-288.

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Karakaya, MM 2024, 'Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery', Studies in Ottoman Science, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 259-288, viewed 22 Dec. 2024,

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Karakaya, M.M. (2024) ‘Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery’, Studies in Ottoman Science, 25(2), pp. 259-288. (22 Dec. 2024).


Karakaya, Mürvet Mutlu,. Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery.” Studies in Ottoman Science, vol. 25, no. 2, 2024, pp. 259-288. [Database Container],


Karakaya MM. Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery. Studies in Ottoman Science [Internet]. 22 Dec. 2024 [cited 22 Dec. 2024];25(2):259-288. Available from: doi: 10.26650/oba.1397979


Karakaya, MürvetMutlu. Colonel Educator Doctor Naim Hasan Bey: One of The Pioneers of Modern Turkish Surgery”. Studies in Ottoman Science 25/2 (Dec. 2024): 259-288.


Published Online02.08.2024


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