Research Article

DOI :10.30522/iuoba.459777   IUP :10.30522/iuoba.459777    Full Text (PDF)


Oya Dağlar Macar

In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, the Ottoman Empire encountered difficulties in transporting the wounded and sick soldiers. The difficulties were generally due to the insufficient transportation infrastructure, the lack of an effective mobilization plan, as well as an unawareness of the importance of military health organization. In order to overcome the difficulties, help was requested from foreign countries and Red Cross associations. During the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, Great Britain provided great support to the Ottoman armies in transporting their patients. The British especially established transportation systems on highways and railways. Experiences gained in this war constituted an important field practice for patient transport for the British officers who published their observations at the end of the war. Undoubtedly, this practice provided a substantial contribution to both the development of Great Britain's own patient transportation system and the course of wars fought in the East. 

DOI :10.30522/iuoba.459777   IUP :10.30522/iuoba.459777    Full Text (PDF)


Oya Dağlar Macar

1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nda Osmanlı Devleti yaralı ve hasta askerlerin taşınması konusunda büyük zorluklar yaşadı. Bu sorunların temelinde genel olarak ulaşım altyapısı ve ulaşım araçlarının yetersizliği, iyi bir seferberlik planının olmaması, ordu sağlık teşkilatının öneminin iyi anlaşılmamış olması, gibi nedenler vardı. Bu problemin çözümü için yabancı devletlerden ve bazı yabancı Kızılhaç derneklerinden yardım istendi. 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nda Osmanlı Devleti’ne hasta nakli konusunda en büyük desteği veren ülke İngiltere oldu. Özellikle kara ve demiryollarında taşıma sistemleri kurdular. Bu savaşta elde ettikleri tecrübeler İngilizler için hasta taşımacılığı konusunda önemli bir saha uygulaması oldu. Savaş sonunda elde ettikleri tecrübeleri raporlar halinde yayımladılar. Şüphesiz bu bilgiler İngiltere’nin hem kendi hasta nakil sistemini geliştirmesi için, hem de ileride Doğu’da yapacağı savaşlar açısından değerli katkılar sundu. 

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Dağlar Macar, O. (2018). TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878. Studies in Ottoman Science, 19(3), 60-86.


Dağlar Macar O. TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878. Studies in Ottoman Science. 2018;19(3):60-86.


Dağlar Macar, O. TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878. Studies in Ottoman Science, [Publisher Location], v. 19, n. 3, p. 60-86, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Dağlar Macar, Oya,. 2018. “TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878.” Studies in Ottoman Science 19, no. 3: 60-86.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Dağlar Macar, Oya,. TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878.” Studies in Ottoman Science 19, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 60-86.

Harvard: Australian Style

Dağlar Macar, O 2018, 'TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878', Studies in Ottoman Science, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 60-86, viewed 30 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Dağlar Macar, O. (2018) ‘TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878’, Studies in Ottoman Science, 19(3), pp. 60-86. (30 Mar. 2025).


Dağlar Macar, Oya,. TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878.” Studies in Ottoman Science, vol. 19, no. 3, 2018, pp. 60-86. [Database Container],


Dağlar Macar O. TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878. Studies in Ottoman Science [Internet]. 30 Mar. 2025 [cited 30 Mar. 2025];19(3):60-86. Available from: doi: 10.30522/iuoba.459777


Dağlar Macar, Oya. TRANSPORTATION OF THE WOUNDED DURING THE RUSSO-TURKISH WAR OF 1877 – 1878”. Studies in Ottoman Science 19/3 (Mar. 2025): 60-86.


Published Online05.12.2018


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