Research Article

DOI :10.26650/ppil.2019.39.1.0001   IUP :10.26650/ppil.2019.39.1.0001    Full Text (PDF)

The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation

Berk Hasan Özdem

Over the last decades the exponential growth in Islamic finance and the globalization of the industry has resulted in the disputes amongst international entities arising out of Sharia-compliant agreements to be more commonplace. It has been a common practice amongst the parties of Islamic finance transactions to choose English law as the governing law. This paper, after examining the limitations in the applicability of Islamic law in English courts, focuses on the critics that the current practice of choosing English law as the governing law faces and discusses the potential of arbitration to provide a more advantageous dispute resolution method for the parties that agree on resolving their issues compliant with Islamic law. Finally, this paper explains the adventure of Eastern arbitration to take Islamic Finance disputes from the hands of English courts by examining the initiatives taken by the arbitral institutions so far, as well as the ideas that came from scholars to create better solutions for the parties of Islamic finance transactions in their disputes.

DOI :10.26650/ppil.2019.39.1.0001   IUP :10.26650/ppil.2019.39.1.0001    Full Text (PDF)

Doğu Tahkiminin İslami Finans Uyuşmazlıklarını İngiliz Mahkemelerinin Elinden Alma Yolundaki Süreci

Berk Hasan Özdem

İslami finansta son yıllarda gözlenen büyüme, endüstrideki küreselleşme ile birlikte, şeriat uyumlu anlaşmalardan kaynaklanan uyuşmazlıkların uluslararası boyutta yaygınlaşması ile sonuçlanmıştır. İslami finans işlemlerinin tarafları arasında uygulanacak hukuk olarak İngiliz hukukunun seçilmesi yaygın bir uygulama olmuştur. Bu makalede, İslam hukukunun İngiliz mahkemelerinde uygulanabilirliği konusundaki sınırlamalar incelendikten sonra İslami finans uyuşmazlıklarında uygulanacak hukuk olarak İngiliz hukukunun seçilmesi pratiğine yönelen eleştiriler üzerinde yoğunlaşılmış ve sorunlarını İslam hukukuna uygun olarak çözme konusunda uzlaşan taraflar için tahkim yolunun daha avantajlı bir uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemi sağlama konusundaki potansiyeli tartışılmıştır. Son olarak, tahkim kurumları tarafından başlatılan girişimler incelenerek, Doğu tahkiminin İslami Finans uyuşmazlıklarını İngiliz mahkemelerinin elinden alma yolundaki sürecinden ve İslami finans uyuşmazlıklarında taraflara daha iyi çözümler üretebilmek için yazarlarca ileri sürülmüş fikirlerden bahsedilmiştir.

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Özdem, B. (2019). The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation. Public and Private International Law Bulletin, 39(1), 295-323.


Özdem B. The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation. Public and Private International Law Bulletin. 2019;39(1):295-323.


Özdem, B. The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation. Public and Private International Law Bulletin, [Publisher Location], v. 39, n. 1, p. 295-323, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Özdem, Berk Hasan,. 2019. “The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation.” Public and Private International Law Bulletin 39, no. 1: 295-323.

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Özdem, Berk Hasan,. The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation.” Public and Private International Law Bulletin 39, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 295-323.

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Özdem, B 2019, 'The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation', Public and Private International Law Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 295-323, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Özdem, B. (2019) ‘The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation’, Public and Private International Law Bulletin, 39(1), pp. 295-323. (10 Mar. 2025).


Özdem, Berk Hasan,. The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation.” Public and Private International Law Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 1, 2019, pp. 295-323. [Database Container],


Özdem B. The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation. Public and Private International Law Bulletin [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];39(1):295-323. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ppil.2019.39.1.0001


Özdem, Berk Hasan. The Path of Eastern Arbitration to Take Islamic Finance Disputes from the Hands of English Litigation”. Public and Private International Law Bulletin 39/1 (Mar. 2025): 295-323.


Last Revision27.01.2019


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