Research Article

DOI :10.26650/YTA2020-008   IUP :10.26650/YTA2020-008    Full Text (PDF)

Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War

Vügar İmanbeyli

This article explores the war-time writings of Mehmet Emin Resulzade (1884- 1955), a famous Azerbaijani journalist/intellectual and politician. Participating before in the Russian (1905) and Iranian (1906) revolutions as well as the Young Turk Movement and being a highly experienced journalist, Resulzade was especially influential in the media during the Great War in Baku, and later he became one of the principal founders of Azerbaijani Democratic Republic (1918- 1920). In this sense, it is important to analyse Resulzade’s writings to understand the concerns and feelings of Muslim intellectuals in the Caucasus and the issues that they discussed during WWI. Humanitarian aid to the desperate Muslim people in Elviye-i Selase (Kars, Ardahan and Batum), fund-raising campaigns organised by the local Muslim charity organisations for the Ottoman war prisoners, Tsarist authorities’ suspicious approaches towards the Muslim minorities, discussions about the future of Russia or the status of the Straits were some of issues that Resulzade discussed in his writings. This article argues that Resulzade’s writings reveal the latent oscillation among Muslim minorities between Tsarism and the Ottomans and their implied orientation/sympathy towards the latter.

DOI :10.26650/YTA2020-008   IUP :10.26650/YTA2020-008    Full Text (PDF)

Çarlık ve Osmanlılar Arasında: M. E. Resulzade’nın I. Dünya Savaşı Yazılarında Rusya/Kafkasya Müslümanları

Vügar İmanbeyli

Bu yazı, meşhur Azerbaycanlı gazeteci/aydın ve politikacı Mehmet Emin Resulzade’nin (1884-1955) savaş zamanındaki yazılarını incelemektedir. Daha önce 1905 Rus Devrimi ile 1906 İran Meşrutiyeti’nin yanı sıra Genç Türkler Hareketi’ne de katılan Resulzade, tecrübeli bir gazeteci olarak özellikle Büyük Harp zamanı Bakü basın hayatında etkili olmuş ve daha sonra da Azerbaycan Demokratik Cumhuriyeti’nin (1918-1920) başlıca kurucularından biri haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Resulzade’nin yazılarını incelemek, I. Dünya Savaşı esnasında Kafkasya’daki Müslüman aydınların endişelerini/duygularını ve tartıştıkları konuları anlamak açısından önemlidir. Sözgelimi, Elviye-i Selase’deki (Kars, Ardahan ve Batum) çaresiz İslam ahalisine yapılan insani yardımlar, yerli Müslüman hayır cemiyetleri tarafından Osmanlı savaş esirlerine yönelik yardım kampanyaları, Çarlık otoritelerinin Müslüman azınlıklara karşı kuşkulu yaklaşımları, cephelerde ve muharip ülkelerdeki gelişmeler, savaş sonrası Rusya’nın geleceği veya Boğazlar’ın statüsüyle ilgili tartışmalar, Resulzade’nin yazılarındaki konulardan bazılarıdır. Bu makale, onun bu yazılarından yola çıkarak Müslüman azınlıkların Çarlık ve Osmanlılar arasında örtük bir tereddüde düştüklerini ve Osmanlılar lehine zımni bir sempati beslediklerini ileri sürmektedir.

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İmanbeyli, V. (2020). Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War. Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(37), 205-224.


İmanbeyli V. Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War. Recent Period Turkish Studies. 2020;0(37):205-224.


İmanbeyli, V. Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War. Recent Period Turkish Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 37, p. 205-224, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

İmanbeyli, Vügar,. 2020. “Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War.” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 37: 205-224.

Chicago: Humanities Style

İmanbeyli, Vügar,. Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War.” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 37 (Mar. 2025): 205-224.

Harvard: Australian Style

İmanbeyli, V 2020, 'Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War', Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 37, pp. 205-224, viewed 15 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

İmanbeyli, V. (2020) ‘Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War’, Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(37), pp. 205-224. (15 Mar. 2025).


İmanbeyli, Vügar,. Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War.” Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 37, 2020, pp. 205-224. [Database Container],


İmanbeyli V. Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War. Recent Period Turkish Studies [Internet]. 15 Mar. 2025 [cited 15 Mar. 2025];0(37):205-224. Available from: doi: 10.26650/YTA2020-008


İmanbeyli, Vügar. Between Tsarism and Ottomans: Russian/ Caucasian Muslims in the Writings of M. E. Resulzade During the First World War”. Recent Period Turkish Studies 0/37 (Mar. 2025): 205-224.


Published Online25.06.2020


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