Research Article

DOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1462254   IUP :10.26650/YTA2024-1462254    Full Text (PDF)

The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980)

Firdes Temizgüney

The War of Independence, led by Mustafa Kemal Pasha, culminated in the establishment of the Turkish Republic, rooted in the principles of the National Pact (Misak-ı Millî). A key diplomatic achievement of the victory of this war was  the Lausanne Peace Treaty, signed on July 24, 1923, by the Turkish delegation led by İsmet Pasha. The treaty became a symbol of the Republic’s foundation, and its anniversaries were celebrated nationwide as “Lausanne Day”. Following Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s death on November 10, 1938, İsmet İnönü assumed the presidency and was widely regarded as the architect of the Lausanne Treaty. The slogan “Lausanne is İnönü” underscored this association. However, during the Democratic Party (DP) era, the Lausanne celebrations diminished in prominence. After the May 27 Coup in 1960, they were revived, often linked with İnönü. As Turkish politics normalized post-coup, the perception of Lausanne evolved. Domestically, it fostered national sentiment, while in foreign policy, it was increasingly cited as a foundational document in addressing diplomatic challenges. In the 1970s, escalating tensions with Greece underscored the importance of maintaining the balance established by the treaty. Consequently, Lausanne anniversaries were commemorated alongside Press Day and Labor Rights, reflecting its multifaceted significance. This article examines how the Lausanne Peace Treaty was reinterpreted during the period between the two coups, shaped by domestic and international developments. Special emphasis is placed on its connection to press-related themes, employing a comparative approach supported by historical research.

DOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1462254   IUP :10.26650/YTA2024-1462254    Full Text (PDF)

İki Darbe Arası Dönem Türk Siyasetinde Lozan Algısı (1960-1980)

Firdes Temizgüney

Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası Türk milletinin Mustafa Kemal Paşa önderliğinde verdiği kurtuluş mücadelesi, Misak-ı Millî’de belirlenen esaslara dayalı yeni Türk Devleti’nin kuruluşu ile sonuçlandı. Bu mücadelenin diplomatik zaferi olarak kabul edilen Lozan Barış Antlaşması, İsmet Paşa’nın başında bulunduğu Türk delegasyonu tarafından 24 Temmuz 1923’te imzalandı. Bağımsız Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluş simgelerinden biri olduğu için Lozan’ın yıl dönümleri, “Lozan Günü” adıyla yurt genelinde törenlerle kutlanmaya başlandı. 10 Kasım 1938’de Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün ölümünden sonra İsmet İnönü Cumhurbaşkanı seçildi. Lozan Barış Antlaşması, “Lozan İnönü’dür” sloganıyla bu zaferin mimarı olarak görülen İnönü ile bütünleşti. DP döneminde unutulmaya yüz tutan bir etkinlik hâline gelen Lozan kutlamaları, 27 Mayıs Darbesi’nden sonra yine İnönü ile birlikte anılmaya devam etti. Ancak darbe sonrası Türk siyasetini normalleştirme çabaları Lozan algısının değişmesine sebep oldu. İç politikada millî bir hissiyat uyandıran Lozan, zamanla dış politikada meydana gelen gelişmeler doğrultusunda atıfta bulunulan resmî bir belge mahiyetini aldı. 1970’lerden sonra Türk dış politikası Yunanistan’la yaşanan çeşitli sorunlar sebebiyle ağır bir sınavdan geçerken “Lozan Dengesini” korumak temel prensip oldu. Lozan’ın yıl dönümleri ise Basın Bayramı ve İşçi Hakları ile birlikte anıldı. Bu makalede, Lozan Barış Antlaşması’nın iki darbe arası dönemde Türkiye’nin iç ve dış politika gelişmeleri doğrultusunda nasıl bir anlam kazandığı, başta basın olmak üzere araştırma eserlerinden yararlanılarak karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde incelenmektedir.


The Lausanne Peace Treaty, regarded as the diplomatic triumph of the Turkish War of Independence, was signed on July 24, 1923, by the Turkish delegation led by İsmet Pasha. Over time, it became a symbol of the Republic’s foundation, with its anniversaries celebrated nationwide as “Lausanne Day”. These commemorations, viewed as a source of ideological motivation for the Republican regime, were marked with great enthusiasm throughout the 1920s.

Following the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on November 10, 1938, İsmet İnönü was elected President of the Republic. İnönü, widely regarded as the architect of the Lausanne victory, became closely associated with the treaty, encapsulated in the popular slogan “Lausanne is İnönü”.

After the Second World War, Türkiye’s democratization efforts led to the transition to a multi-party political system. The Democratic Party (DP), established as a major opposition force, won the general elections in 1950, ending the single-party rule of the Republican People’s Party (CHP). During the DP era, celebrations of national holidays, including Lausanne Day, diminished in enthusiasm due to evolving domestic and international dynamics. A deliberate effort was made during this period to disassociate Lausanne from İnönü and to reframe it as a collective achievement of the entire nation, similar to the War of Independence. This shift in narrative was largely driven by the political climate, as İnönü, now leader of the opposition as Chairman of the CHP, remained a prominent figure in Turkish politics.

Despite remaining closely associated with İnönü after the May 27 coup, no official celebrations of the Lausanne Peace Treaty were held. The post-coup efforts to normalize Turkish politics brought about a shift in the perception of Lausanne. Until the 1970s, the treaty was primarily remembered through limited celebrations organized by associations, as well as İnönü’s statements and speeches reflecting his memories of Lausanne.

By the mid-1970s, Türkiye faced significant challenges in its foreign policy, coinciding with a period of escalating domestic turmoil. Key issues such as the Cyprus conflict, disputes over the Aegean islands, and the continental shelf came to the forefront. Greece’s increasingly assertive actions, including the militarization of islands near Türkiye, highlighted the enduring relevance of international agreements like the Lausanne Peace Treaty. 

During this period of heightened tensions, Lausanne was reinstated in political discourse as a cornerstone of Türkiye’s security and a safeguard for maintaining the status quo. No longer confined to being a symbolic national achievement commemorated on anniversaries, the treaty evolved into a practical instrument for addressing Türkiye’s foreign policy challenges and ensuring stability in the region.

For Türkiye, the Lausanne Peace Treaty has served not only as a resolution to foreign policy challenges but also as a critical foundation for strengthening its participation and representation on various international platforms. Unlike the racist ideologies prevalent in many Western nations of its time, Lausanne established a modern Republic of Türkiye grounded in respect for minority rights. In this context, Türkiye’s adherence to the principles outlined under the “minority rights” section of the Copenhagen Criteria introduced in 1993 for aspiring EU member states- represented a step it had already taken decades earlier. This historical alignment was regarded as a significant achievement by Turkish politicians.

In 1996, while assessing the Copenhagen Criteria, Bülent Ecevit emphasized that the inclusion of “minority rights” in these standards posed no issue for Türkiye. Referring to the provisions of the Lausanne Treaty, he underscored that Türkiye does not engage in racial discrimination and, therefore, does not define minorities based on racial categories.

In conclusion, the Lausanne Peace Treaty, which marked Türkiye’s acceptance as an independent state within the international community, has been subject to varied  interpretations and critiques, particularly concerning the status quo it established. However, it continues to stand as a cornerstone of Turkish foreign policy and remains one of its most pivotal arguments in international relations.

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Temizgüney, F. (2024). The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980). Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(46), 279-312.


Temizgüney F. The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980). Recent Period Turkish Studies. 2024;0(46):279-312.


Temizgüney, F. The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980). Recent Period Turkish Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 46, p. 279-312, 2024.

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Temizgüney, Firdes,. 2024. “The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980).” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 46: 279-312.

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Temizgüney, Firdes,. The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980).” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 46 (Mar. 2025): 279-312.

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Temizgüney, F 2024, 'The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980)', Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 46, pp. 279-312, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

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Temizgüney, F. (2024) ‘The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980)’, Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(46), pp. 279-312. (14 Mar. 2025).


Temizgüney, Firdes,. The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980).” Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 46, 2024, pp. 279-312. [Database Container],


Temizgüney F. The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980). Recent Period Turkish Studies [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];0(46):279-312. Available from: doi: 10.26650/YTA2024-1462254


Temizgüney, Firdes. The Perception of Lausanne in Turkish Politics between Two Coups (1960-1980)”. Recent Period Turkish Studies 0/46 (Mar. 2025): 279-312.


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