The Impact of the Leveled Texts Regarding the Common European Framework of Reference on the Performance and Retention of Undergraduate Students
Ayşe Arslan Çavuşoğlu, Fatih TepebaşılıWhen classifying and determining language levels, language courses, publishers and language institutes have their own language criteria, which vary from one country to another or from one language institute to another. Because of these variations, in the past, there were no standard language levels. With the emergence of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a common standard, common criteria and a common foreign language teaching policy could be developed. The framework can be used to determine language skills against the international standard. Moreover, the confirmed language skills can be recognized in all European countries. This will make language skills objectively measurable and internationally comparable. In this study, the influence of the leveled texts in respect of the Common European Framework of Reference on the achievement and retention of language learners in German reading lessons was measured quantitatively by comparing it with the non-leveled texts. Then it was supported with the students’ views. Following this purpose, 44 students (22 males and 22 females), who are enrolled in the Department of Foreign Language Teaching of the University of Necmettin Erbakan, participated in this study. A post-test was applied to measure the change in students’ performance after the 8-week course. To measure the permanence of the information, a retention test was performed again after 21 days. The data were analyzed through a mixed model ANOVA by using the R program. According to the results of the research, the experimental group showed a significant difference over time compared to the control group.
Der Einfluss der Eingestuften Texte im Hinblick des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens auf die Student*innenleistungen und die Nachhaltigkeit des Gelernten
Ayşe Arslan Çavuşoğlu, Fatih TepebaşılıBei der Einstufung und Bestimmung der Sprachniveaus hatten die Sprachkurse, die Schulbuchverlage und Sprachinstitute eigene Sprachkriterien, die von einem Land zu einem anderen oder von einem Sprachinstitut zu einem anderen variierten. Wegen dieser Variationen können die Stufen bzw. Sprachniveaus nicht übereinstimmen. Mit der Entstehung des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens (GeR) konnten ein gemeinsamer Standard, gemeinsame Kriterien und eine gemeinsame Fremdsprachenunterrichtspolitik entwickelt werden. Man kann durch den Referenzrahmen die Sprachkenntnisse mit dem internationalen Standard festlegen. Und die bestätigten Sprachkenntnisse können in allen Ländern Europas anerkannt werden. Dadurch werden Sprachkenntnisse objektiv messbar, international vergleichbar sein. In dieser Studie wurde darauf abgezielt, den Beitrag der Texte, die im Hinblick des GeR eingestuft sind, zu Leistungen der Sprachlernenden und zu Nachhaltigkeit des Gelernten zu bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck nahmen 44 Student*innen (darunter 22 Männer und 22 Frauen), die an der Necmettin-ErbakanUniversität, Deutsch auf Lehramt studieren, an dieser Studie teil. 8 Wochen lang wurde die Experimentalgruppe mit den eingestuften Texten unterrichtet, während die Kontrollgruppe mit den Texten unterrichtet wurde, die nicht im Hinblick des GeR eingestuft sind. Ein Leistungstest wurde vor den Vorlesungen und nach den Vorlesungen durchgeführt. Die Textergebnisse bilden die Leistungsvortest- und Leistungsnachtestdaten. Um die Nachhaltigkeit des Gelernten zu messen, wurde nach 21 Tagen erneut ein Leistungstest durchgeführt. Das gemischte Modell vom ANOVA- Typ wurde für die Datenanalyse im Analyseprogramm R verwendet. Dem Forschungsergebnis zufolge zeigt die Experimentalgruppe einen signifikanten Unterschied im Zeitverlauf von der Kontrollgruppe.
Turkey participated in the Socrates project with the Council of Europe Decision (numbered 253/2000 / EC) on 24 January 2000 for a common policy in Europe. Foreign language teaching and second foreign language teaching policy in European countries have been accepted in Turkey too. Foreign language teaching in European countries is carried out inline with the educational policy of the “Department of Modern Languages of the Council of Europe”. This unit, which seeks to develop a common standard, common criteria and a common foreign language teaching policy in Europe, prepares “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”. Today, the foreign language teaching policy is implemented in all European countries based on this framework.This rating system is built on levels called A1, A2 (basic user), B1, B2 (independent user) and C1, C2 (proficient user). With this regulation, foreign language training materials are prepared accordingly.
Students should acquire four basic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) to master a foreign language. The acquisition of these four basic skills takes place through their integration and interdependence. The development of the act of speech first requires the development of listening comprehension. Also, improving listening skills depends on speaking ability. Likewise, the development of writing and reading skills also takes place in interaction with each other. On the whole, the combination of these four skills leads to mastering a foreign language.
There are many studies aimed at teaching a foreign language effectively in terms of these four skills. But most of these studies are in English. Each language has its own reading strategies, as well as its own teaching and learning strategies. So far, only a limited number of research on reading in German exists in Turkey. Moreover, almost half of this research is theoretical.
Today, reading is an indispensable part of human life. By reading, one can think better, and, one can learn to form criticism and to accept criticism. Reading is a process in which signs and symbols are perceived by the eyes and ears, and then interpreted by the brain in an interpretive way. Through reading, people can access different sources of new information, events and experiences. Therefore, this competence includes learning, analysis and interpretation.
Because reading is so important when learning a foreign language, the students at the German Language Teaching Program receive two years of “reading skills” and “extended reading and writing skills” seminars. Therefore, reading is one of the most important parts of the curriculum. Students take part in reading lessons for a total of four semesters, but the reading comprehension level of the students is not satisfactory.
Therefore this study aimed to focus on improving students’ reading skills. Considering that it can contribute to the development of reading skills, levelled texts prepared within the context of the Common European Framework for Languages were used as research material.
The impact of the leveled texts in respect of the Common European Framework of Reference on the achievement and retention of language learners in German reading lessons was measured quantitatively by comparing it with the non-leveled texts. Then it was supported with the students’ views . Following this purpose, 44 students (22 males and 22 females), who are enrolled in the Department of Foreign Language Teaching of the University of Necmettin Erbakan, participated in this study. A success test was applied to measure the change in students’ performance after the 8-week course. To measure the permanence of the information, a retention test was performed again after 21 days. Mixed model ANOVA was used for data analysis using the R program. The findings revealed that the experimental group showed a significant difference over time compared to the control group.