Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iutd.1456492   IUP :10.26650/iutd.1456492    Full Text (PDF)

The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier

Ayşegül KuşHasan Atmaca

The geostrategic significance of the Caucasus has led to numerous states to establish the political domination in the region by throughout history. However, Northern Caucasus attracted global attention in the 19th century due to its struggle for independence against Russian expansionism. With the establishment of the Naqshbandi Sufi order in the region, a movement known as Muridism emerged. Leaders of this movement, known as Imams, declared war against the Russians and for many years served as a barrier to Russia’s territorial expansion. This movement aroused curiosity in the West, which closely monitored Russian political activities in the region, leading to various studies on the subject. The aim of this study is to examine and evaluate how Muridism, under the leadership of Imam Shamil, the movement’s final leader who had fought against the Russians for 25 years, has been portrayed in French literature, specifically based on Depping and Dularier. Through this analysis, the study aims to contribute to the existing literature on the subject.

DOI :10.26650/iutd.1456492   IUP :10.26650/iutd.1456492    Full Text (PDF)

19. Yüzyıl Fransız Araştımacıların Eserlerinde Müridizm ve İmam Şamil: Depping And Dulaurier

Ayşegül KuşHasan Atmaca

Kafkasya’nın sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik önem tarih boyunca birçok devletin bölgede siyasi hâkimiyet kurmasına sebep olmuştur. Ancak Kuzey Kafkasya, 19 yüzyılda Rus yayılmacılığına karşı verdiği bağımsızlık mücadelesiyle tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Nakşibendi tarikatının bölgede kök salmasıyla Müridizm adı verilen bir hareket oluşmuştur. Haraketin başına geçen liderler (İmamlar), Ruslara karşı savaş ilan etmiş ve uzun yıllar Rusların bölgeyi ele geçirmesinin önünde engel teşkil etmiştir. Bu haraket, Rusların bölgedeki siyasi faaliyetleriyle yakından ilgilenen Batı’da merak uyandırmış ve bu konuda birçok incelemeler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Müridizm hareketinin son İmamı olan ve Ruslara karşı 25 yıl mücadele yürüten İmam Şamil’in Depping ve Dularier özelinde Fransız yazınına nasıl yansıdığını ele alarak değerlendirmek ve böylece alanyazına katkılar sunmaktır.

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Kuş, A., & Atmaca, H. (2024). The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier. Turkish Journal of History, 0(83), 67-109.


Kuş A, Atmaca H. The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier. Turkish Journal of History. 2024;0(83):67-109.


Kuş, A.; Atmaca, H. The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier. Turkish Journal of History, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 83, p. 67-109, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kuş, Ayşegül, and Hasan Atmaca. 2024. “The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier.” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 83: 67-109.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kuş, Ayşegül, and Hasan Atmaca. The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier.” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 83 (Dec. 2024): 67-109.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kuş, A & Atmaca, H 2024, 'The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier', Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 83, pp. 67-109, viewed 23 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kuş, A. and Atmaca, H. (2024) ‘The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier’, Turkish Journal of History, 0(83), pp. 67-109. (23 Dec. 2024).


Kuş, Ayşegül, and Hasan Atmaca. The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier.” Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 83, 2024, pp. 67-109. [Database Container],


Kuş A, Atmaca H. The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier. Turkish Journal of History [Internet]. 23 Dec. 2024 [cited 23 Dec. 2024];0(83):67-109. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iutd.1456492


Kuş, Ayşegül - Atmaca, Hasan. The Muridism and Prophet Schamyl in the Works of the 19th Century French Researchers: Depping and Dulaurier”. Turkish Journal of History 0/83 (Dec. 2024): 67-109.


Published Online02.08.2024


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