Research Article

DOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.018   IUP :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.018    Full Text (PDF)

Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905)

Metin Ünver

A group among the Great Powers leaded by England considered that the failure of the reform programs that were implemented under Russian and Austrian control in the provinces of Thessaloniki, Bitola and Kosovo in the Ottoman Rumelia stemmed from the financial reasons. Therefore, they came up with the idea that there should be installed an international machinery of financial control in the Macedonia region. For this purpose, it was envisioned a Financial Commission consisting of foreign experts to be founded. Ottoman Empire firmly resisted this demand for a relatively long time arguing it impaired her independence and sovereignty. In order to persuade the Ottoman government means of coercive diplomacy was applied. This article looks for the traces of coercive diplomacy utilized against the Ottoman Empire in order to persuade her to accept the establishment of an international financial control and deals the subject in this perspective.

DOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.018   IUP :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.018    Full Text (PDF)

“Zorlayıcı Diplomasi”nin İzleri: Osmanlı Devleti’nin Makedonya’da Uluslararası Bir Malî Kontrol Mekanizması Kabul Etmeye Zorlanması (1905)

Metin Ünver

Osmanlı Rumeli’sindeki Selanik, Manastır ve Kosova vilayetlerinde, Avusturya ve Rusya’nın denetiminde uygulamaya konulan reform programlarının başarısız olduğunu düşünen İngiltere’nin başını çektiği Büyük Devletler içinden bir grup, bu başarısızlığın öncelikle malî nedenlerden kaynaklandığına inanıyordu. Bundan dolayı Makedonya olarak bilinen bölgede uluslararası bir malî kontrol mekanizması kurulmasını gündeme getirmişlerdi. Osmanlı Devleti yabancı uzmanlardan oluşan bir Maliye Komisyonu şeklinde düşünülen bu uygulamaya, bağımsızlık ve hükümranlığı zarar gördüğü gerekçesiyle uzun süre ve kararlı bir şekilde karşı çıkmıştır. Bu makalede, Makedonya’da kurulmak istenilen uluslararası malî kontrolü kabul ettirebilmek için, Büyük Güçlerin Osmanlı Devleti’ne uyguladıkları zorlayıcı diplomasinin izleri aranmakta ve konu bu pencereden ele alınmaktadır.

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Ünver, M. (2020). Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905). Turkish Journal of History, 0(71), 347-406.


Ünver M. Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905). Turkish Journal of History. 2020;0(71):347-406.


Ünver, M. Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905). Turkish Journal of History, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 71, p. 347-406, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Ünver, Metin,. 2020. “Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905).” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 71: 347-406.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Ünver, Metin,. Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905).” Turkish Journal of History 0, no. 71 (Mar. 2025): 347-406.

Harvard: Australian Style

Ünver, M 2020, 'Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905)', Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 71, pp. 347-406, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Ünver, M. (2020) ‘Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905)’, Turkish Journal of History, 0(71), pp. 347-406. (14 Mar. 2025).


Ünver, Metin,. Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905).” Turkish Journal of History, vol. 0, no. 71, 2020, pp. 347-406. [Database Container],


Ünver M. Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905). Turkish Journal of History [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];0(71):347-406. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.018


Ünver, Metin. Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905)”. Turkish Journal of History 0/71 (Mar. 2025): 347-406.


Published Online28.08.2020


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