The Cuisine of The History Journalİlhan ŞahinDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.001Research ArticletrP. 1-14SUNUŞ TARİH DERGİSİ’NİN 71. YILI/SAYISIMahmut AkIntroductiontrP. 1-271. YILI KUTLARKENMübahat Solmaz KütükoğluIntroductiontrP. 3-4Pandemic Under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus Between A.D. 165-180Mustafa Hamdi SayarDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.002Research ArticletrP. 15-28Boundaries of Sovereignty in the Context of Kut and Tore in the Old TurksAli AhmetbeyoğluDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.003Research ArticletrP. 29-50An Evaluation on The Kangli TribesAhmet TaşağılDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.004Research ArticletrP. 51-66About the Titles Used in The Crusader States (Outremer)Ebru AltanDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.005Research ArticletrP. 67-81Normans, “Gesta Roberti Wiscardi” and the Battle of ManzikertMustafa DaşDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.006Research ArticletrP. 83-90A Family in The Service of The Great Saldjūḳids: Porsukids (The Sons of Porsuk)Abdülkerim ÖzaydınDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.007Research ArticletrP. 91-113Health, Health Institutions and Medical Education in SeljuksMuharrem KesikDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.008Research ArticletrP. 115-144“Sebeb-i Telif”s in The Ottoman ChroniclesAbdülkadir ÖzcanDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.009Research ArticletrP. 145-159Contributions for the Biography of Âşikpaşazâde Derviş Ahmed ÂşikîKemal BeydilliDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.010Research ArticletrP. 161-180Some Analysis on the Sources of TâcüttevârîhMehmet İpşirliDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.011Research ArticletrP. 181-196Who is Mustafa Kesbî, the Author of İbretnüma-yi Devlet? Notes on an Unknown Historian of the 18th CenturyFeridun Mustafa EmecenDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.012Research ArticletrP. 197-221Why Did the Ottomans Temporarily Abandon the Construction of Galleons? (1656-1682)İdris BostanDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.013Research ArticletrP. 223-238The Last Safavid Princes in the Ottoman Territories: the Sam MirzasÖmer İşbilirDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.014Research ArticletrP. 239-254Internal Migration in The Ottoman Empire in the 1830s: The Example of SkopjeNedim İpekDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.015Research ArticletrP. 255-280Hiring of The Polish Stanislaw Chlebowski as a Court Painter and ResignationFatma ÜrekliDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.016Research ArticletrP. 281-316The Position of Abdulhamid II And Ottoman Diplomacy in The Developments of Far East (1895-1904)Cezmi Eraslan, Umut DereDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.017Research ArticletrP. 317-346Traces of Coercive Diplomacy: Forcing The Ottoman Empire to Accept an International Machinary of Financial Control in Macedonia (1905)Metin ÜnverDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.018Research ArticletrP. 347-406The Bulgarian Community in Istanbul in The Time of Sultan Mehmed Reşad: Settlement, Population and EconomyNeriman Ersoy HacısalihoğluDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.019Research ArticletrP. 407-428Quarries in Bandirma and ArmeniansRecep KaracakayaDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.020Research ArticletrP. 429-443Discussions About the Invitation of The Ottoman Empire and Presentation Memorandums in The Paris Peace ConferenceMustafa BudakDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.021Research ArticletrP. 445-472Determinations About the Delegates of The Sivas Congress (4-11 September 1919)Fatih Mehmet SancaktarDOI :10.26650/TurkJHist.2020.022Research ArticletrP. 473-496