DOI :10.26650/B/LSB44.2024.037.007   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB44.2024.037.007    Tam Metin (PDF)

Structural and Functional Investigation of the Brain with Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ulaş AyEmre HarıElif KurtKardelen YıldırımTamer Demiralp

The imaging of the brain structure and function with non-invasive methods provides important information about the large-scale organization of the complex neural circuits in the brain and their associations with sensory, motor, and cognitive functions. Among a range of neuroimaging modalities that can capture static or dynamic information about brain’s organization, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one that provides unprecedented possibilities for the spatial description of both structural and functional properties. The functional MRI (fMRI) depends on the hemodynamic response measured by means of the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal, which due to slowness of the vascular response in comparison with the neuronal activity, has limitations in reflecting the temporal dynamics of brain functional activities. However, it provides a perfect spatial definition of both the segregated local activations as well as the integrative network patterns. Due to the possibilities for detailed structural imaging of the gray (GM) and white matter (WM) structures, tracing the WM tracts and structural connectivities and capturing the functional activations and functional connectivities, the MRI technique provides a comprehensive scope to brain organization and allows the visualization of both intrinsic states and task-related responses of the brain. Additionally, the adaptation of advanced signal and image analysis techniques to MRI analysis and use of advanced statistical approaches have evolved the MRI-based neuroimaging modalities to mostly preferred brain mapping tools. In this chapter, we will present basic information about the analysis methods for structural and functional MRI, and some exemplary applications.


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