DOI :10.26650/B/AH03AH08.2024.039.021   IUP :10.26650/B/AH03AH08.2024.039.021    Tam Metin (PDF)

Cross-Cultural Exchange and Imperial Power: Ottoman Mappings of the World in the Seventeenth Century

Pınar Emiralioğlu

This article investigates the close relationship between geographical maps and articulation of imperial power in the seventeenth century Ottoman Empire. In this period, innovations in printing, changes in mapping techniques, and the expansion of a commercial market increased circulation and diffusion of maps in western Europe. Map makers increasingly traveled between imperial spaces and created networks of cross-cultural knowledge exchange. As a result, maps started shaping how map makers, scholars, and political elites understood space, territory, and political power. The Ottoman mapmakers were active participants in this development. This article will analyze a select number of marine maps from the seventeenth century along with Kâtib Çelebi (d.1657) and Ebûbekir bin Behrâm ed-Dımaşkî (d. 1691)’s geographical maps and works on geography. In doing so, it will demonstrate how the seventeenth century Ottoman political elites and mapmakers started to shape their realms and measure their imperial authority in spatial terms. This article will also contextualize the production process of these maps and geographical works to offer insights about cross cultural knowledge exchange in which Ottoman map makers and geographers were operating. 


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