The Quadruple Helix Into the Effort of Sustainable Cities and Communities: The Case of Marmara Urban Forum in Türki̇ye
İrem Güneş, Özcan GaranAccording to population projections, more than half of the world’s population will live in cities by 2030 and nearly two-thirds by 2050. This is one of the reasons why sustainable cities and communities are one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 11 aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. The aim of this study is to try to evaluate the university-industry-government-civil society cooperation for the realisation of this development goal in the context of the Marmara Urban Forum (MARUF19) organised by the Marmara Municipalities Union in 2019. MARUF19, which is a first in the world with its content and structure, is addressed in two aspects from the perspective of the quadruple helix innovation model. (1) In this forum, where a large number of organisations from each helix of the model come together, how do the participants interact with each other within the framework of the development goal of Sustainable Cities and Communities? (2) What role does the forum play in this respect in terms of providing a consensus space for stakeholders and representing the fourth stakeholder of the helix as an intermediary organisation? In other words, the case of MARUF19 is examined as it can enrich and enhance the understanding of both how an organisation representing the fourth stakeholder of the quadruple helix as an intermediary organisation can create a consensus space by bringing together different actors and how stakeholders coming together from all spheres of the quadruple helix interact in terms of participation.
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