Toplumsal Bellekten Medya Belleğe: Hafıza İnşasında Dijital Ortamlar
Birgül Üstünbaş ErdoğanBellek çalışmaları, bireylerin ve toplumların geçmişi anlama ve yorumlama sürecinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Toplumsal bellek olarak adlandırılan kolektif zihinsel yapı, bir toplumun tarihi olayları, kültürel mirası ve ortak değerleri hakkında anlamlı bir anlayış geliştirmesini sağlar. Medya ise, bu sürecin merkezinde yer alır; bireyler ve gruplar arasında bilgi, duygu ve deneyimlerin aktarılmasını sağlar; bu sayede toplumsal belleğin oluşumu ve yeniden şekillenmesinde kritik öneme sahiptir. Günümüzde çağdaş medya gelişmelerini toplumsal bellek çalışmalarına entegre etmenin yeni yollarını bulmaya yönelik artan bir eğilim vardır. Dijital teknolojilerin ve ağ tabanlı uygulamaların gelişimi bellek çalışmalarını farklı bir boyuta taşımış, hafıza pratiklerinin nasıl değiştiğini anlamaya yönelik geniş bir çerçeve sunmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, toplumsal bellek ve dijital medya ilişkisine odaklanarak, hafıza inşasında dijital ortamların rolünü irdelemektir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, teorik tartışmalar üzerine kuruludur. Dijital medya teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte farklı medya ortamları ve toplumsal bellek ilişkisine dair bir çerçeve çizmek ve alandaki çalışmalara bir perspektif sunmak hedeflenmiştir.
From Collective Memory to Media Memory: Digital Environments in Memory Construction
Birgül Üstünbaş ErdoğanMemory studies play an important role in the process of individuals and societies understanding and interpreting the past. The collective mental structure called collective memory enables a society to develop a meaningful understanding of historical events, cultural heritage and common values. Media is at the centre of this process; it enables the transfer of information, emotions and experiences between individuals and groups; In this way, it has critical importance in the formation and reshaping of collective memory. Today, there is an increasing tendency to find new ways to integrate contemporary media developments into collective memory studies. The development of digital technologies and network-based applications has taken memory studies to a different dimension and provided a broad framework for understanding how memory practises change. The aim of this study was to examine the role of digital environments in memory construction, focusing on the relationship between collective memory and digital media. In this context, the study is based on theoretical discussions. With the development of digital media technology, it is aimed to draw a framework regarding the relationship between different media environments and collective memory and to provide a perspective for studies in the field.
Collective memory is the process of preserving, reproducing and transferring this heritage to future generations, built on the common history and cultural heritage of the society. Various elements such as cultural habits, historical events, rituals, traditions and works of art are effective in the formation of collective memory. These elements play an important role in shaping the identity, values and lifestyle of the society. The transfer of collective memory generally occurs through various tools such as oral and written expressions, cultural practises, education and training, visual and audio media, and digital environments.
The relationship between collective memory and media is an important research topic on what role the media has and creates in the memory of society. Today, media, as a tool with the power to spread information and news rapidly, has the function of shaping and directing the memory in society. It creates the memory of the society by providing information on various subjects such as social events, cultural values, political developments and historical events. News, documentaries, films and content in other media are among the factors that shape societies’ perception of the past and determine their future expectations.
The increasing diversification of media environments and the tendency towards internetbased applications have enabled digital environments to become places of memory. Digital media refers to the types of media created, distributed, and consumed through the internet and digital technologies. Its basic features, such as multiple content types, interaction and participation, and ease of access to information, show that it has radically changed communication methods and cultural production.
This study focuses on the relationship between digital media and collective memory and examines the role of digital environments in memory construction. In this study, the relationship between digital media and collective memory is discussed through theoretical discussions; A liberal and critical perspective is presented. Understanding the role of digital media in collective memory is important in terms of both accurately remembering the past and shaping future collective memory.
Digital media represents collective memory on digital platforms. Historical events, cultural heritage, and social memories can be stored and shared through social media, blogs, and digital archives. This provides the opportunity to represent collective memory in a broader and more diverse way. At the same time, digital environments facilitate the sharing of collective memory. Sharing and discussions about social events, crises, and cultural events create and strengthen the collective memories of societies. This process affects how social identities and histories are collectively remembered in the digital environment.
Digital media offers easy access to information and memories. Past events and personal memories can be stored on digital platforms and retrieved at any time. This increases the continuity and accessibility of the collective memory. In addition, digital media plays an interactive role in the formation of collective memory. Users can share and discuss their memories through social media and other tools. In this way, the importance of individual contributions in the formation of collective memory increases.
Digital media also plays a role in the construction of social identities. Social groups and individuals have the opportunity to choose how they want to present their identities and histories on digital platforms. However, it should not be forgotten that rapid access and sharing of information can create an environment open to manipulation. Misleading information, disinformation and media influence can affect collective memory and public perception. This situation may make the accuracy and reliability of collective memory questionable. The fact that digital media increases the speed and amount of information flow can cause collective memory to be constantly updated and some information to be forgotten quickly. Information overload can also lead to changes in which information will remain in collective memory and which will be forgotten.
As a result, digital media significantly transforms the formation, preservation, and sharing of social memories. It presents both opportunities and challenges; It is clear that while allowing collective memory to become more accessible and diversified, it is also necessary to be careful about information security and accuracy.