Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions
Ismahan Kermani, Zohra FortasObjective: This study focused on two partners: a fungal specie, the desert truffle Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and the perennial Cistaceae Helianthemum lippii locally known as “el gassis et terfes” which is a very important and pandemic plant species in the southern West of Algerian sahara. This study aimed to investigate the germination characteristics of ascospores extracted from T. pinoyi ascocarps. The T. pinoyi mycelial culture obtained was used for the first time as an inoculum for the mycorrhization of H. lippii (L.) Pers. under axenic conditions.
Materials and Methods: T. pinoyi (Maire) Malençon mycelium was isolated from the germination of ascospores extracted from ascocarps under sterile conditions and grown on 1% malt extract agar medium. The mycorrhizal synthesis between T. pinoyi mycelial isolate and H. lippii (L.) Pers. (natural host plant of this fungus) was placed in tubes on perlite and vermiculite impregnated with a nutrient solution for 3.5 months in axenic conditions.
Results: inoculated mycelial cultures form endomycorrhizae with H. lippii. The colonisation percentage (F%) was higher in inoculated plants grown on perlite rather than vermiculite in tubes. It was 22-41% respectively for plants on vermiculite and perlite after 2 months of culture and 46-82% for those on vermiculite and perlite after 3.5 months of cultivation.
Conclusion: In vitro symbiotic interaction between T. pinoyi mycelium and H. lippii markedly improves plant growth and positively influences the vitality of the plant.
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Kermani, I., & Fortas, Z. (2019). Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions. European Journal of Biology, 0(0), -.
Kermani I, Fortas Z. Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions. European Journal of Biology. 2019;0(0):-.
Kermani, I.; Fortas, Z. Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions. European Journal of Biology, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 0, p. -, 2019.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Kermani, Ismahan, and Zohra Fortas. 2019. “Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions.” European Journal of Biology 0, no. 0: -.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Kermani, Ismahan, and Zohra Fortas. “Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions.” European Journal of Biology 0, no. 0 (Mar. 2025): -.
Harvard: Australian Style
Kermani, I & Fortas, Z 2019, 'Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions', European Journal of Biology, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. -, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Kermani, I. and Fortas, Z. (2019) ‘Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions’, European Journal of Biology, 0(0), pp. -. (10 Mar. 2025).
Kermani, Ismahan, and Zohra Fortas. “Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions.” European Journal of Biology, vol. 0, no. 0, 2019, pp. -. [Database Container],
Kermani I, Fortas Z. Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions. European Journal of Biology [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(0):-. Available from: doi: 10.26650/EurJBiol.2025.1539612
Kermani, Ismahan - Fortas, Zohra. “Ascospores Germination of Tirmania pinoyi (Maire) Malençon and In Vitro Mycorrhization of Helianthemum lippii (L.) Pers. with Tirmania pinoyi Mycelial Isolate in Axenic Conditions”. European Journal of Biology 0/0 (Mar. 2025): -.